MATH1933 Multivariable Calculus and Modelling (SSP)
General Information
MATH1933 is a Junior (or first-year) unit forming part of the SSP (Special Studies Program) Mathematics stream.
- Credit point value: 3CP.
- Classes per week: Two lectures and one tutorial.
- Lecturer(s) in 2023: TBA
- Email contact address:
[email protected].
Students: please check if your question can be answered by referring to the FAQ page before emailing us. If you decide to email us please include your name and SID.
Students have the right to appeal any academic decision made by the School or Faculty: see
You may also view the description of MATH1933 in the University's course search database.
Answers to frequently asked questions
See the main junior mathematics page for information relating to all junior mathematics units, and see in particular the Junior Maths FAQ page.
Entry into the Program
Entry into the Mathematics Special Studies Program is by invitation. Students should enrol in MATH1923. Once they are selected they will change their enrolment from MATH1923 to MATH1933. They attend the same lectures as MATH1923 students but have their own seminar and tutorial covering specially chosen advanced topics.
If you have a distinction or higher in MATH1931 you are guaranteed a place. If that is the case you can enrol through Sydney Student after the release of Semester 1 results. There is no need to fill in the application form below.
Other interested students please fill in the online application form before 3 August 2023 at 12pm.
Selection into the Mathematics Special Studies Program is based on
- Interest and commitment to mathematics;
- Your marks in mathematics.
Students in Arts, Science, Liberal Studies, Engineering or Combined Degrees are able to be selected into the program.
For more information look contact the SSP coordinator Daniel Daners
Online Resources
The teaching material appearing on this web site is intended for the use of enrolled students of the University of Sydney, and (unless otherwise specified) the University of Sydney holds copyright. Any other person or institution wishing to use any of this material must contact the university to make appropriate arrangements.
Useful Links
Every student should have a copy of the Junior Mathematics and Statistics Handbook. -
Examination Timetable:
For general information on examinations, including the end of semester examination timetable, see the University's Examination Information web site. -
The Faculty Handbook entry:
The description of MATH1933 in the central units of study database.