Juncheng Wei Chinese University of Hong Kong
On some supercritical problems
We consider two types of supercritical problems. The first one is the so-called Coron’s problem:
Δu + up = 0,u > 0 in D = Ω\Bδ(P), u = 0 on ∂D. We show that there exists resonant exponents
< p1 < p2 < ... < pj < ... such that for δ small, Coron’s problem has a solution, provided p > and
p ⁄= pj. The second problem is nonlinear Schrodinger equation Δu - V (x)u + up = 0,u > 0in Rn,
lim|x|→+∞u(x) = 0 We show that if V (x) = o( ), then for p > , there is a continuum of positive solution.
If V (x) decays fast enough or V (x) is symmetric in N directions, there is also a continuum of solutions when
< p ≤ .)