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Australian-Japanese Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities

15 September 2009 - 18 September 2009

University of Sydney


T. Akahori
N. Dancer
M. Eastwood
A. Isaev
A. Henderson
J. Hillman
S. Ishii
G. Ishikawa
M. Kobayashi
S. Koike
I. Kossovskiy
T. -C. Kuo
K. Miyajima
P. Norbury
M. Oka
A. Parusinski
K. Saji
J. Sekiguchi
K. Takeuchi
R. Zhang

Laurentiu Paunescu
Adam Harris
Alexander Isaev
Satoshi Koike
Toshizumi Fukui

The Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities is an initiative towards the further advance of scientific exchange between Australian and Japanese researchers, and is made possible with the support of the University of Sydney, School of Mathematics and Statistics, and the National Research Symposium Program of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications of the ANU. The scientific programme will be based around a series of expository lectures presented by the invited speakers, each of whom is an internationally recognised expert in an area of mathematics having substantial interactions with the contemporary theory of singularities in real and complex geometry. Each invited speaker will be asked to present two or three lectures on a topic of current interest, but in a manner which is accessible to non-experts in the field. The central aims of the workshop are:
(1) to promote interaction between Australian and Japanese mathematicians, specifically in the field of singularity theory;
(2) to provide an opportunity for young mathematicians in all parts of Australia to broaden their awareness of contemporary mathematics at an international level in a relaxed and relatively informal atmosphere.
The organisers wish to extend a particular welcome to postgraduate and early postdoctoral participants from outside Sydney and interstate.

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  Last modified: Tue Aug 17 12:22:37 EST 2010