Sydney Harbour JARCS SYDNEY 2009
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Registration will start on Tuesday 15 September at 9am in the conference venue, the Medical Foundation Auditorium (B1 on the Campus Map) at the University of Sydney ("Camperdown Campus" on the Overview Map), close to the intersection of Missenden Road and Parramatta Road.

Tuesday 15 September
10.00 - 10.50 Tzee-Char Kuo Abstract Enriched Riemann Sphere, Morse Stability and Equi-singularity in O_2 (joint work with L. Paunescu)
11.20 -12.10 Mike Eastwood Abstract Symmetries via Lie algebra cohomology
12.20 - 13.10 Kiyoshi Takeuchi Abstract Newton polyhedra, constructible sheaves and their applications
Lunch Break
15.00 Special Clay-Mahler Lecture by Terence Tao-- All participants are welcome to attend
Eastern Avenue Lecture Theatre
Wednesday 16 September
9.00 - 9.50 Takao Akahori Abstract On the notion of CR-Hamiltonian flows
10.20 - 11.10 Goo Ishikawa Abstract Symplectic invariants of parametric singularities
11.20 - 12.10 Ilya Kossovskiy Abstract Continuation of CR-Automorphisms of Levi Degenerate Hyperquadrics to the Projective Space
Lunch Break
13.30 - 14.20 Shihoko Ishi Abstract From jet schemes to the base scheme
15.00 - 15.50 Jiro Sekiguchi Abstract Uniformization equations with respect to Saito free divisors and related topics
16.00 - 16.50 Jonathan Hillman Abstract Geometric decompositions of Seifert fibred 4-manifolds
17.00 - 17.50 Kentaro Saji Abstract Recognition criteria for cuspidal Mond singularities and their applications
Thursday 17 September
9.00 - 9.50 Norman Dancer Abstract Real Analytic Bifurcation Theory and Applications
10.20 - 11.10 Alex Isaev Abstract On the number of affine equivalence classes of spherical tube hypersurfaces
11.20 - 12.10 Kimio Miyajima Abstract Analytic construction of deformation of resolution of normal isolated singularities
Lunch Break
13.30 - 14.20 Anthony Henderson Abstract Orbit closures in nilpotent cones
14.30 - 15.20 Mahito Kobayashi Abstract Trivalent graphs and the planar portraits of manifolds
16.00 - 16.50 Adam Parusinski Abstract On semi-algebraic bi-Lipschitz blow-analytic homeomorphisms
18.30 Conference Dinner: Buon Gusto Italian Restaurant, starting 18:30
368 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale, tel. 9319 4798
Friday 18 September
9.00 - 9.50 Paul Norbury Abstract Eynard-Orantin invariants of plane curves
10.20 - 11.10 Ruibin Zhang Abstract Equivariant algebraic K-theory of quantum group actions
11.20 - 12.10 Mutsuo Oka Abstract Mixed singularities and their Milnor fibrations
12.20 - 13.10 Satoshi Koike Abstract Equisingularity Problem of Real Algebraic Singularities
Lunch Break
14.00 Special Clay Lectures by D. Calegari and M. Abouzaid-- All participants are welcome to attend
Eastern Avenue Lecture Theatre

For more information, please contact

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JARCS Webmaster (Laurentiu Paunescu)
Last modified: Fri Sep 11 15:08:50 EST 2009