


Publication Search Results

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51. Daners D
Daners D: Periodic-parabolic eigenvalue problems with indefinite weight functions, Tübinger Berichte zur Funktionalanalysis, 4 (1995), 20–26.

52. Brown KJ, Daners D, Lopez-Gomez J
Brown KJ, Daners D, Lopez-Gomez J: Change of stability for Schrödinger semigroups, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics, 125A (1995), 827–846. 96h:35035

53. Daners D
Daners D: Principal Eigenvalues for Some Periodic-Parabolic Operators on \(R^N\) and Related Topics, Journal of Differential Equations, 121 (1995), no. 2, 293–313. 96h:35080

54. Daners D
Daners D: Eigenvalue problems for periodic parabolic-operators, Seminar Laboratoire de mathematique, University of Besancon, (1994),

55. Daners D
Daners D: Eigenvalue problems on \(\mathbb{R}^N\), Seminar Mathematics Institute, University of Tubingen, (1994),

56. Daners D
Daners D: Domain independent a priori estimates for elliptic boundary value problems, Seminar Mathematics Institute, University of Zurich, (1994),

57. Daners D
Daners D: Change of stability for linear parabolic equations on \(\mathbb{R}^N\), Seminar Department of Mathematics, University of California LA, (1994),

58. Daners D, Lopez-Gomez J
Daners D, Lopez-Gomez J: The singular perturbation problem for the periodic-parabolic logistic equation with indefinite weight functions, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 6 (1994), 659 – 670. 95i:35160

59. Daners D, Koch Medina P
Daners D, Koch Medina P: Exponential stability, change of stability and eigenvalue problems for linear time-periodic parabolic equations on \(\mathbb{R}^N\), Differential and Integral Equations, 7 (1994), 1265 – 1284. MR1269656

60. Daners D, Koch Medina P
Daners D, Koch Medina P: Superconvexity of the evolution operator and parabolic eigenvalue problems on \(\mathbb{R}^N\), Differential and Integral Equations, 7 (1994), 235 – 255. 94m:34147

61. Daners D
Daniel Daners: Qualitative behaviour of an epidemics model, Differential and Integral Equations, 5 (1992), 1017–1032. MR1171976

62. Daners D, Koch Medina P
Daniel Daners, Pablo Koch Medina: Abstract evolution equations, periodic problems and applications, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, Essex, 279 (1992), iv+249. ISBN 0-582-09635-9. 94b:34002

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