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51. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: The quiet sun, Landolt-Bornstein: Zahlenwerte und Funktionen VI/2a: Astronomie und Astrophysik, Schaifers K, Voigt HH (eds.), Springer, Berlin, (1982), 82–104.

52. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Solar telescopes, Landolt-Bornstein: Zahlenwerte and Funktionen VI/2a: Astronomie und Astrophysik, Schaifers K, Voigt HH (eds.), Springer, Berlin, (1982), 13–18.

53. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Hope yet for a chromospheric model?, Space Science Review, 29 (1981), 357–361.

54. Durrant CJ, Kneer F, Maluck G
Durrant CJ, Kneer F, Maluck G: The analysis of solar limb observations II. Geometrical smearing, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 104 (1981), 211–214.

55. Wiesmeier A, Durrant CJ
Wiesmeier A, Durrant CJ: The anbalysis of solar limb observations I. Restoration of data in a titled reference frame, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 104 (1981), 207–210.

56. Dufton PL, Durrant AC, Durrant CJ
Dufton PL, Durrant AC, Durrant CJ: The determination of microturbulent velocities in early-type stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 97 (1980), 10–15.

57. Durrant CJ, Nesis A
Durrant CJ, Nesis A: Vertical structure of the solar photosphere, 95 (1980), 221–228.

58. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Small-scale velocity fields and mean line profiles, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 91 (1980), 251–253.

59. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Some more effects of waves on spectral line analysis, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 89 (1980), 80–87.

60. Cram LE, Durrant CJ, Grossmann-Doerth U
Cram LE, Durrant CJ, Grossmann-Doerth U: A Survey of Solar Ultraviolet Physics, Kiepenheuer Institute, Freiburg, (1980),

61. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: A model for diagnosing stellar velocity fields, High-resolution Spectroscopy, Hack M (ed.), Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Trieste, (1979), 474–480.

62. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: The effect of waves on spectral line analysis in the Fourier domain, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 76 (1979), 208–211.

63. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: The effect of waves on spectral line analysis, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 73 (1979), 137–150.

64. Durrant CJ, Mattig W, Nesis A, Reiss G, Schmidt W
Durrant CJ, Mattig W, Nesis A, Reiss G, Schmidt W: The height-dependence of the granular velocity component, Solar Physics, 61 (1979), 251–270.

65. Deubner FL, Durrant CJ, Stix M, Schröter EH
Deubner FL, Durrant CJ, Stix M, Schröter EH: Small-scale Motions on the Sun, Kiepenheuer Institut, Freiburg, (1979),

66. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: The solar chromosphere --- still enigmatic?, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 19 (1978), 411–429.

67. Cram LE, Durrant CJ, Grossmann-Doerth U
Cram LE, Durrant CJ, Grossmann-Doerth U: Some comments on Suemoto's paper `An emperical, statistical model for the formation of the cores of chromospheric Fraunhofer lines', Solar Physics, 58 (1978), 279–285.

68. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Flows in magnetic flux tubes, Highlights of Astronomy, 4 (1977), 267–270.

69. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: General theoretical terms, Illustrated Glossary for Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Bruzek A, Durrant CJ (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, (1977), 139–147.

70. Durrant CJ, Roxburgh IW
Durrant CJ, Roxburgh IW: Solar interior, Illustrated Glossary for Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Bruzek A, Durrant CJ (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, (1977), 1–6.

71. Bruzek A, Durrant CJ
Bruzek A, Durrant CJ: Illustrated Glossary for Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Reidel, Dordrecht, (1977),

72. Durrant CJ, Grossmann-Doerth U, Kneer FJ
Durrant CJ, Grossmann-Doerth U, Kneer FJ: The sun's chromospheric velocity field as inferred from the Ca II K line, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 51 (1976), 95–99.

73. Cram LE, Durrant CJ, Kneer FJ
Cram LE, Durrant CJ, Kneer F: Workshop on Pluridimensional Radiative Transfer, Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Naples, (1976),

74. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: A reassessment of the cloud model, Solar Physics, 44 (1975), 41–53.

75. Durrant CJ, Hosinsky G
Durrant CJ, Hosinsky G: Site-testing on Alegranza, Canary Islands, Joint Organisation for Solar Observations, (1971),

76. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Shock wave dissipation in magnetically active regions, Solar Physics, 18 (1971), 60–62.

77. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Magnetic and spectrographic observations in weekly active regions, Solar Magnetic Fields, IAU Symposium 43, Howard E (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, (1971), 268–73.

78. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Rotation and chemical abundances in peculiar A stars-I, Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, 147 (1970), 59–73.

79. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Rotation and chemical abundances in peculiar A stars-II, Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, 147 (1970), 75–93.

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