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51. Wang Q
Qiying Wang: Limit theorems for self-normalized large deviation, Electronic Journal of Probability, 10 (2005), no. 38, 1260–1285. MR2176384

52. Robinson J, Wang Q
John Robinson and Qiying Wang: On the self-normalized Cramer-type large deviation, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 18 (2005), no. 4, 891–909. MR2300002

53. Wang Q
Qiying Wang: On Darling Erdos type theorems for self-normalized sums, Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics: Festschrift for Miklos Csorgo, International Conference on Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics, Lajos Horvath and Barbara Szyszkowicz (eds.), Fields Institute Communications, American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, (2004), 523–530. ISBN 0-8218-3561-0. MR2108954

54. Csörgő M, Szyszkowicz B, Wang Q
M. Csörgő, B. Szyszkowicz and Qiying Wang: On weighted approximations and strong limit theorems for self-normalized partial sums processes, Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics: Festschrift for Miklos Csörgő, International Conference on Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics, Lajos Horvath and Barbara Szyszkowicz (eds.), Fields Institute Communications, American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, (2004), 491–523. ISBN 0-8218-3561-0.

55. Wang Q, Jing BY
Qiying Wang and Jing, B.-Y: Weighted bootstrap for \(U\)-statistics, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 91 (2004), 177–198. MR2087842

56. Hall P, Wang Q
Peter Hall and Qiying Wang: Exact convergence rate and leading term in central limit theorem for Student's t statistic, The Annals of Probability, 32 (2004), 1419–1437. MR2060303

57. Zhao LC, Wu CQ, Wang Q
L C Zhao, C Q Wu, Q Wang: Berry-Esseen bound for a sample sum from a finite set of independent random variables, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 17 (2004), 557–572. MR2091551

58. Jing BY, Shao QM, Wang Q
Jing, Bing-Yi and Shao, Qi-Man and Wang, Qiying: Self-normalized Cramer-type large deviations for independent random variables, The Annals of Probability, 31 (2003), 2167–2215. MR2016616

59. Jing BY, Wang Q
Jing, Bing-Yi and Wang, Qiying: Edgeworth expansion for \(U\)-statistics under minimal conditions, The Annals of Statistics, 31 (2003), 1376–1391. MR2001653

60. Csörgő M, Szyszkowicz B, Wang Q
Miklos Csörgő, Barbara Szyszkowicz, Qiying Wang: Donsker's theorem for self-normalized partial sums processes, The Annals of Probability, 31 (2003), 1228–1240. MR1988470

61. Wang Q, Qiying Q, Lin YX, Gulati CM
Wang, Qiying and Lin, Yan-Xia and Gulati, Chandra M.: Strong approximation for long memory processes with applications, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 16 (2003), 377–389. 2004e:60054

62. Csörgő M, Szyszkowicz B, Wang Q
Miklos Csörgő, Barbara Szyszkowicz, Qiying Wang: Darling-Erdös theorem for self-normalized sums, The Annals of Probability, 31 (2003), 676–692. 2004a:60051

63. Wang Q, Lin YX, Gulati CM
Qiying Wang, Lin Y-X and Chandra M. Gulati.: Asymptotics for general fractionally integrated processes with applications to unit root tests, Econometric Theory, 19 (2003), 143–164. 2004a:62168

64. Wang Q, Lin YX, Gulati CM
Qiying, Wang; Lin, Yan-Xia; Gulati, Chandra M.: The invariance principle for linear processes with applications, Econometric Theory, 18 (2002), 119–139. 2002k:60089

65. Wang Q
Qiying Wang: Non-uniform Berry-Esseen bound for \(U\)-statistics, Statistica Sinica, 12 (2002), 1157–1169. 2003m:62172

66. Wang Q, Jing BY, Zhao LC
Wang, Qiying; Jing, Bing-Yi; Zhao, Lincheng: The Berry-Esseen bound for Studentized statistics, The Annals of Probability, 28 (2000), 511–535. 2001a:62011

67. Wang Q, Jing BY
Wang, Qiying; Jing, Bing-Yi: An exponential nonuniform Berry-Esseen bound for self-normalized sums, The Annals of Probability, 27 (1999), 2068–2088. 2001c:60045

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