


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Edelman D

1. Edelman D, O'Brian NR
David Edelman, Nigel O'Brian: Tote arbitrage and lock opportunities in racetrack betting, European Journal of Finance, 10 (2004), no. 5, 370–378.

2. Edelman D, Gillespie T
D. Edelman, T. Gillespie: Improved volatility prediction using group analysis (empirical Bayes) methods, Financial Mathematics Research Report, Workshop on Quantitative Methods in Finance, E. Platen (ed.), FMRR 008-96, The Australian National University, Canberra, (1996), Volume 2, 345–354.

3. Edelman D, Buchen PW
Edelman, D. and Buchen, P.W.: GARCH or posterior volatility? An alternative approach to volatility smile modelling, ANU Workshop on Stochastics and Finance, Financial Mathematics Research Report, ANU Workshop on Stochastics and Finance, Financial Mathematics Research Report, FMRR-005-95 (1995), 465–470.

4. Edelman D
Edelman D: (Annual Report (quantitative section): Southern Pacific Petroleum N.L.), (1991),

5. Edelman D
Edelman D: (Annual Report (quantitative section): Central Pacific Mining and Minerals N.L.), (1991),

6. Edelman D
Edelman D: The Five Degree of Freedom Rule for Fixed-Width Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Biometrics, (1991), 733–739.

7. Edelman D
Edelman D: On the Inadmissibility of the Usual Procedure for Two Independent Tests of Normal Mean, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 10 (1991), MR1181681

8. Edelman D
Edelman D: A note on uniformly most powerful two-sided tests, American Statistician, 44 (1990), 219–220. MR1130913

9. Edelman D
Edelman D: A confidence interval for the center of an unknown unimodal distribution based on a sample size of 1, American Statistician, 44 (1990), 285–287.

10. Edelman D
Edelman D: An inequality of optimal order for the tail probabilities of the \(t\)-statistic under symmetry, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85 (1990), 120–122. MR1137357

Number of matches: 10