


Publication Search Results

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1. Hancock EJ, Macaskill C, Zawieja SD, Davis MJ, Bertram CD
Edward J Hancock, Charlie Macaskill, Scott D Zawieja, Michael J Davis and Christopher D Bertram: Modelling pacemaker oscillations in lymphatic muscle cells: Lengthened action potentials by two distinct system effects, Royal Society Open Science, 12 (2025), no. 1, Article 241714 (18 pages).

2. Bertram CD, Macaskill C
C.D. Bertram and C. Macaskill: Fluid-dynamic modeling of flow in embryonic tissue indicates that lymphatic valve location is not consistently determined by the local fluid shear or its gradient., Microcirculation, 31 (2024), no. 6, e12873 (13 pages).

3. Hancock EJ, Zawieja SD, Macaskill C, Davis MJ, Bertram CD
Edward J. Hancock, Scott D. Zawieja, Charlie Macaskill, Michael J. Davis and Christopher D. Bertram: A dual-clock-driven model of lymphatic muscle cell pace-making to emulate knock-out of Ano1 or IP3R., Journal of General Physiology, 155 (2023), no. 12, e202313355 (18 pages).

4. Hancock EJ, Zawieja SD, Macaskill C, Davis MJ, Bertram CD
E.J. Hancock, S.D. Zawieja, C. Macaskill, M.J. Davis and C.D. Bertram: Modelling the coupling of the M-clock and C-clock in lymphatic muscle cells., Computers in Biology and Medicine, 142 (2022), 105189 (12 pages).

5. Bertram CD, Ikhimwin BO, Macaskill C
Christopher D Bertram, Bernard O Ikhimwin and Charlie Macaskill: Modeling flow in embryonic lymphatic vasculature: What is its role in valve development?, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18 (Open Access) (2021), no. 2, 1406–1424.

6. Ikhimwin BO, Bertram CD, Jamalian S, Macaskill C
B.O. Ikhimwin, C.D. Bertram, S. Jamalian, and C. Macaskill: Computational modelling of a network of initial lymphatics and pre-collectors with permeable interstitium, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19 (2020), no. 2, 661–679.

7. Watson MG, Byrne HM, Macaskill C, Myerscough MR
Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne, Charlie Macaskill, Mary R Myerscough: A multiphase model of growth factor-regulated atherosclerotic cap formation, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 81 (2020), 725–767.

8. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Moore JE Jr
C.D.Bertram, C. Macaskill and J.E. Moore, jr.: Inhibition of contraction strength and frequency by wall shear stress in a single-lymphangion model., ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 141 (2019), no. 11, 111006 (8 pages).

9. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Davis MJ, Moore JE Jr
C D Bertram,C Macaskill, M J Davis, J E Moore Jr: Contraction of collecting lymphatics: organization of pressure-dependent rate for multiple lymphangions, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 17 (2018), no. 5, 1513–1532.

10. Watson MG, Byrne HM, Macaskill C, Myerscough MR
Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne, Charlie Macaskill, Mary R Myerscough: A two-phase model of early fibrous cap formation in atherosclerosis, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 456 (2018), no. November 2018, 123–136.

11. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Davis MJ, Moore JE Jr
C D Bertram, C Macaskill, M J Davis, J E Moore Jr: Valve-related modes of pump failure in collecting lymphatics: numerical and experimental investigation, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 16 (2017), no. 6, 1987–2003.

12. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Davis MJ, Moore JE Jr
C.D. Bertram, C. Macaskill, M.J. Davis and J.E. Moore jr.: Consequences of intravascular lymphatic valve properties: a study of contraction timing in a lymphatic vessel model., American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 310 (2016), no. 7, H847−H860.

13. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Moore JE Jr
C D Bertram, C Macaskill, J E Moore Jr: Pump function curve shape for a model lymphatic vessel, Medical Engineering and Physics, 38 (2016), 656–663.

14. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Moore JE Jr
C D Bertram, C Macaskill and J E Moore Jr: Incorporating measured valve properties into a numerical model of a lymphatic vessel, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 17 (2014), no. 14, 1519–1534.

15. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Davis MJ, Moore JE Jr
C D Bertram, C Macaskill, M J Davis, J E Moore Jr: Development of a model of a multi-lymphangion lymphatic vessel incorporating realistic and measured parameter values, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 13 (2014), no. 2, 401–416.

16. Sutherland D, Macaskill C, Dritschel DG
D Sutherland, C Macaskill and D G Dritschel: The effect of slip length on vortex rebound from a rigid boundary, Physics of Fluids, 25 (2013), no. 9, art. no. 093104.

17. Schaerf TM, Macaskill C
Schaerf, TM and Macaskill, C: On contour crossings in contour-advective simulations - part 2 - analysis of crossing errors and methods for their prevention, Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (2012), 481–504. MR2872087

18. Schaerf TM, Macaskill C
Schaerf, TM and Macaskill, C: On contour crossings in contour-advective simulations - part 1 - algorithm for detection and quantification, Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (2012), 465–480. MR2872086

19. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Moore JE Jr
Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Moore jr JE: Simulation of a chain of collapsible contracting lymphangions with progressive valve closure, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133 (2011), 011008 (10 pages).

20. Jomaa Z, Macaskill C
Z. Jomaa and C. Macaskill: The Shortley-Weller embedded finite difference method for the 3D Poisson equation with mixed boundary conditions, Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010), 3675–3690. MR2609747

21. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Padden WEP
Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Padden WEP: The Acoustic Field in Biomedical Tissue With Midscale Inhomogeneities, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 56 (2009), no. 2, 304–313.

22. Dritschel DG, Scott RK, Macaskill C, Gottwald GA, Tran CV
D.G. Dritschel, R.K. Scott, C. Macaskill, G.A. Gottwald and C.V. Tran: Vortex self-similarity in unforced inviscid two-dimensional turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 640 (2009), 217–235.

23. Jomaa Z, Macaskill C
Z. Jomaa and C. Macaskill: Numerical solution of the 2D Poisson equation on an irregular domain with Robin boundary conditions, Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, CTAC-2008, CTAC-2008, Geoffry N. Mercer and A. J. Roberts (eds.), ANZIAM J., (2008), C413–C428. MR2457255

24. Fraser WB, Macaskill C, McGuinness M, Thornton A
W.B. Fraser, C. Macaskill, M. McGuinness and A. Thornton: Strip track-off and buckling between transport rollers, Proceedings of the Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group MISG 2007, Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group MISG 2007, T. Marchant, M. Edwards and G. Mercer (eds.), Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, (2008), 13–31. ISBN 978-0-646-48555-3.

25. Vanderhoff JC, Nomura KK, Rottman JW, Macaskill C
J.C. Vanderhoff, K.K. Nomura, J.W. Rottman and C. Macaskill: Doppler Spreading of Internal Gravity Waves by an Inertia-Wave Packet, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113 (2008), C05018.

26. Dritschel DG, Scott RK, Macaskill C, Gottwald GA, Tran CV
D.G. Dritschel, R.K. Scott, C. Macaskill, G.A. Gottwald and C.V. Tran: Unifying theory for vortex dynamics in two-dimensional turbulence, Physical Review Letters, 101 (2008), 094501.

27. Padden WEP, Thompson RS, Macaskill C
Padden WE, Thompson RS, Macaskill C: Using the phase modulation imposed by tissue inhomogeneity to determine the full acoustic near field, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Marjorie Passini Yuhas (ed.), IEEE, NY, (2007), 1282–1285.

28. Steel R, Thompson RS, Macaskill C
R Steel, R S Thompson, C Macaskill: Ultrasonic edge shadowing around cylindrical cavities with and without walls, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 53 (2006), no. 5, 991–1000.

29. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Farnell L
RS Thompson, C Macaskill and L Farnell: Exact and weak scattering models for the complex acoustic field near to cylindrical walls and boundaries in tissue, Proceedings 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, Susan Yuhas (ed.), IEEE, New York, (2005), 528–531. ISBN 0-7803-9382-1/1051-0117.

30. Macaskill C, Schaerf TM
C. Macaskill, T.M. Schaerf: Jupiter's Great Red Spot, Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science, 1 (2005), 486–488.

31. Jomaa Z, Macaskill C
Z.Jomaa and C.Macaskill: The embedded finite difference method for the Poisson equation in a domain with an irregular boundary and Dirichlet boundary conditions, Journal of Computational Physics, 202 (2005), no. 2, 488–506. MR2145390

32. Steel R, Poepping TL, Thompson RS, Macaskill C
R Steel, T L Poepping, R S Thompson and C Macaskill: Edge shadows around rigid, absorbing, and non-absorbing liquid cylinders, 2004 IEEE 50th Anniversary Conference, 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Conference, M P Yuhas (ed.), IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE, NJ, USA, (2004), 2117–2120.

33. Steel R, Poepping TL, Thompson RS, Macaskill C
R Steel, T L Poepping, R S Thompson and C Macaskill: Origins of the edge shadowing artefact in medical ultrasound imaging, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 30 (2004), 1153–1162.

34. Gray BF, Macaskill C
B.F. Gray & C. Macaskill: The role of self-heating in the estimation of Arrhenius kinetic constants for thermally unstable materials using differential scanning calorimeters (DSCs), Proceedings of the 10th International Fire Science and Engineering Conference: Interflam 2004, 10th International Fire Science and Engineering Conference: Interflam 2004, V.Babrauskas, G. Cox et al (eds.), Interscience Communications, London, UK, (2004), 961–972. ISBN ISBN 0 9532312 7 5.

35. Macaskill C
C. Macaskill: A blob insertion technique for the vortex blob method, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, M. Behnia, W. Lin & G.D. McBain (eds.), University of Sydney, Sydney, (2004), Paper no AFMC00181. ISBN 1 864 87695 6. MR2145390

36. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Fraser WB, Farnell L
R S Thompson, C Macaskill, W B Fraser and L Farnell: Acoustic intensity for a long vessel with non-circular cross-section, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51 (2004), 566–575.

37. Schaerf TM, Macaskill C
T. M. Schaerf, C. Macaskill: Detecting contour crossings in contour dynamical and contour-advective semi-Lagrangian simulations, Proceedings of the 11th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Electronic supplement, CTAC 2003, The 11th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Jagoda Crawford and A. J. Roberts (eds.), 45 ANZIAM Journal (Australian Mathematical Society), Australia, (2004), C693–C712. MR2180331

38. Jomaa Z, Macaskill C
Z. Jomaa and C. Macaskill: A finite difference Poisson solver for irregular geometries, Proceedings of the 11th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Electronic supplement, CTAC-2003, Jagoda Crawford and A. J. Roberts (eds.), 45 ANZIAM Journal (Australian Mathematical Society), Australia, (2004), C713–C728. MR2180332

39. Britton S, Coleman CE, Ivers DJ, James RW, Macaskill C
Britton S., Coleman C.E., Ivers D.J., James R.W. and Macaskill C.: Using AcroTeX to provide a structured learning environment for mathematics, Remarkable Delta:03 Communications, Fourth Southern Hemisphere Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Derek Holton and Ivan Reilly (eds.), International Delta Steering Committee, New Zealand, (2003), 58–63. ISBN 0 476 00046 7.

40. Macaskill C, Padden WEP, Dritschel DG
C. Macaskill, W.E.P. Padden and D.G. Dritschel: The CASL algorithm for quasi-geostrophic flow in a cylinder, Journal of Computational Physics, 188/1 (2003), 232–251. 2004c:76030

41. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Farnell L, Fraser WB
R S Thompson, C Macaskill, L Farnell, W B Fraser: Ultrasound Intensity Calculations for a Vessel with Simulated Wall Lesion, 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, S C Schneider, D E Yuhas (eds.), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, (2002), 1755–1758. ISBN 0-7803-7583-1.

42. Gray BF, Kalliadasis S, Lazarovici A, Macaskill C, Merkin JH, Scott SK
B.F. Gray, S. Kalliadasis, A. Lazarovici, C. Macaskill, J.H. Merkin and S.K. Scott: The suppression of an exothermic branched-chain flame through endothermic reaction and radical scavenging, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, 458 (2002), 2119–2138. 2003f:80008

43. Gray BF, Sexton MJ, Halliburton B, Macaskill C
B.F. Gray, M.J. Sexton, B. Halliburton and C. Macaskill: Wetting-induced ignition in cellulosic materials, Fire Safety Journal, 37 (2002), 465–479.

44. Macaskill C, Bassom AP, Gilbert AD
C. Macaskill, A.P. Bassom and A.D. Gilbert: Nonlinear wind-up in a strained planar vortex, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 21 (2002), no. 3, 293–306. 2003c:76039

45. Sexton MJ, Macaskill C, Gray BF
M.J. Sexton, C. Macaskill and B.F. Gray: Self-heating and drying in two-dimensional bagasse piles, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 5 (2001), 517–536.

46. Macaskill C, Sexton MJ, Gray BF
C.Macaskill, M.J.Sexton and B.F.Gray: A reaction-diffusion model of stored bagasse, ANZIAM Journal, 43 (2001), 13–34.

47. Sexton MJ, Macaskill C, Gray BF
M J Sexton, C Macaskill and B F Gray: Thermal ignition in rectangular and triangular regions, ANZIAM Journal (Electronic), 42 (2000), 1283–1304.

48. Dritschel DG, Macaskill C
D.G. Dritschel and C. Macaskill: The role of boundary conditions in the simulation of rotating, stratified turbulence, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 94 (2000), 233–253. 2001k:76072

49. Macaskill C
C. Macaskill: Quasi-geostrophic three-dimensional flow in a cylinder, Physics Letters. A, 270 (2000), 132–139.

50. Broutman D, Macaskill C, McIntyre E
Dave Broutman, C. Macaskill, Michael E. McIntyre and James W. Rottman: On Doppler-spreading models of internal waves, Geophysical Research Letters, 24 (1997), no. 22, 2813–2816.

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