


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Playoust CE

1. Cannon JJ, Playoust CE
J. Cannon, C. A. Playoust: Using the magma computer algebra system in abstract algebra courses, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 23 (1997), no. 5/6, 459–484.

2. Bosma W, Cannon JJ, Playoust CE
W. Bosma, J. Cannon, C. Playoust: The magma algebra system I: the user language, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 24 (1997), no. 3/4, 235–265. MR1484478

3. Cannon JJ, Playoust CE
J.J.Cannon, C.-E.Playoust: Magma: a new computer algebra system, Euromath Bulletin, 2 (1996), 113–144. MR1413180

4. Ball GR, Playoust CE, Richardson JS
Ball GR, Playoust C, Richardson JS: An Introduction to MATRIX, (Introductory manual to the linear algebra tutorial program MATRIX) (1993), ix+124.

Number of matches: 4