


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Runcorn SK

1. Malin SRC, Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Malin SR, Runcorn SK, Winch DE: The One Cycle per year magnetic field variation, 7th Scientific Assembly Buenos Aires, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), 55 IAGA, (1993), 396.

2. Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE: The Pacific Cable Experiment, Buenos Aires Argentina August 1993, 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.), 55 IAGA, (1993), 146.

3. Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE: Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Oceanic Circulation, Conference Handbook, Australian Physical Oceanography Conference, John Middleton, David Wilkinson, Peter Tate (eds.), (1993), 1.

4. Winch DE, Runcorn SK
Winch DE, Runcorn SK: Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Ocean Circulation, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, Charles Barton (ed.), AGSO, (1993), 47.

5. Winch DE, Runcorn SK
Winch DE, Runcorn SK: Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Ocean Circulation, Exploration Geophysics, Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, 24 (1993), 5.

6. Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE: The origin of the geomagnetic annual variation, Surveys in Geophysics, 13 (1992), 69–70.

7. Baraclough D, Clark T, Cowley S, Hibberd F, Hide R, Kerridge D, Lowes FJ, Malin SRC, Murphy T, Risbeth H, Runcorn SK, Soffel H, Stewart D, Stuart W, Whaler K, Winch DE
Baraclough D, Clark T, Cowley S, Hibberd F, Hide R, Kerridge D, Lowes F, Malin S, Murphy T, Risbeth H, Runcorn S, Soffel H, Stewart D, Stuart W, Whaler K, Winch DE: 150 years of magnetic observatories: recent researches on world data, Surveys in Geophysics, 13 (1992), 47–88.

8. Runcorn SK, Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE: The Pacific Cable Experiment, 20th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sünkel M, Hofmann-Wellenhoff B eds (eds.), IAGA Program and Abstracts, (1991), 607.

Number of matches: 8