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  • Author = Weber NC

1. Hunt RL, Peiris MS, Weber NC
Richard Hunt, Shelton Peiris and Neville Weber: Seasonal generalized AR models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 53 (2024), no. 3, 1065–1080. Published online on 21 July 2022.

2. Weber NC
Neville Weber: Biography — Lancaster, Henry Oliver (1913–2001), People Australia, June 2023 (2023), online.

3. Hunt RL, Peiris MS, Weber NC
Richard Hunt, Shelton Peiris and Nevlle Weber: Bayesian estimation of Gegenbauer processes, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 93 (2023), no. 9, 1357–1377. Published online on 6 November 2022.

4. Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
B Gail Ivanoff and Neville C Weber: Incorporating a change-point estimator when bootstrapping the empirical distribution of a stationary process, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 51 (2022), no. 9, 2765–2782.

5. Hunt RL, Peiris MS, Weber NC
Richard Hunt, Shelton Peiris, Neville Weber: Estimation methods for stationary Gegenbauer processes, Statistical Papers, 63 (2022), 1707–1741.

6. Hunt RL, Peiris MS, Weber NC
Richard Hunt, Shelton Peiris and Neville Weber: A general frequency domain estimation method for Gegenbauer processes, Journal of Time Series Econometrics, 13 (2021), no. 2, 119–144.

7. Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
B. Gail Ivanoff and Neville C. Weber: Incorporating a change-point estimator when bootstrapping the empirical distribution of a stationary process, Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 49 (2020), (18 pages).

8. Tarr G, Muller S, Weber NC
G Tarr, S Müller, NC Weber: Robust Estimation of Precision Matrices under Cellwise Contamination, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 93 (2016), 404–420. MR3406222

9. Weber NC, Courtney K
Neville Weber and Katherine Courtney: The Asymptotic Behavior of Likelihood Estimators for the Dispersion Parameter of the Negative Binomial Distribution, Proceedings of the 60th ISI World Statistics Congress, 60th ISI World Statistics Congress, --- (ed.), The International Statistical Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands, (2015), 1898–1903. ISBN 978-90-73592-35-3.

10. Sarafidis V, Weber NC
Vasilis Sarafidis and Neville Weber: A Partially Heterogeneous Framework for Analyzing Panel Data, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 77 (2015), no. 2, 274–296.

11. Tarr G, Weber NC, Muller S
G Tarr, NC Weber, S Müller: The difference of symmetric quantiles under long range dependence, Statistics and Probability Letters, 98 (2015), 144–150.

12. El Ktaibi F, Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
Farid El Ktaibi, B Gail Ivanoff, Neville C Weber: Bootstrapping the empirical distribution of a linear process, Statistics and Probability Letters, 93 (2014), no. October 2014, 134–142.

13. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Uri V Borovskikh and Neville C Weber: Non-Gaussian limit distributions for U -statistics based on trimmed and Winsorized samples, Statistics, 48 (2014), no. 3, 609–632.

14. Robertson B, Fung T, Weber NC
Benn Robertson, Thomas Fung and Neville Weber: An alternative estimator for the shape parameter in the negative binomial distribution, The Mathematical Scientist, 38 (2013), 34–42.

15. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Yuri V Borovskikh and N C Weber: Non-Gaussian limit distributions for U-statistics based on trimmed and Winsorized samples, Statistics, iFirst (2013), 1–24.

16. Tarr G, Muller S, Weber NC
Garth Tarr, Samuel Müller & Neville Weber: A robust scale estimator based on pairwise means, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 24 (2012), no. 1, 187–199. MR2885833

17. Weber NC
Neville C Weber: U-Statistics, International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, 21 (2011), 1634–1635.

18. Nelson MA, Odeh IOA, Bishop TFA, Weber NC
M A Nelson, I O A Odeh, T F A Bishop, N Weber: Quantifying the uncertainty in digital soil class maps developed using model-based approaches., Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, The 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, R J Gilkes, N Prakonkep (eds.), International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Wien, Austria, (2010), 42–45.

19. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Yuri V Borovskikh and N C Weber: Asymptotic distributions for a class of generalized L-statistics, Bernoulli, 16 (2010), no. 4, 1177–1190.

20. Hu TC, Chen PY, Weber NC
Tien-Chung Hu, Ping Yan Chen and N C Weber: A remark on the strong law for B-valued arrays of random elements, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 82 (2010), 31–43. MR2669143

21. Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
B Gail Ivanoff and N C Weber: Correction to "Spreadable Arrays and Martingale Structures", Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 88 (2010), 429–430.

22. Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
B Gail Ivanoff, N C Weber: Asymptotic results for spatial causal ARMA models, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 4 (2010), 15–35. MR2579552

23. Hu TC, Weber NC
Tien-Chung Hu and Neville C Weber: A note on strong convergence of sums of dependent random variables, Journal of probability and statistics, 2009 (2009), 7. MR2212905

24. Perera DI, Peiris MS, Robinson J, Weber NC
DI Perera, MS Peiris, J Robinson, NC Weber: The empirical saddlepoint method applied to testing for serial correlation in panel time series data, Statistics and Probability Letters, 78 (2008), 2876–2882.

25. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Y V Borovskikh and N C Weber: Asymptotic Distributions of Non-Degenerate \(U\)-Statistics on Trimmed Samples, Statistics and Probability Letters, 78 (2008), no. 4, 336–346. MR2396407

26. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Yuri V Borovskikh and N C Weber: Berry-Esseen type bounds for trimmed \(U\)-statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138 (2008), 1059–1071. MR2384505

27. Prince T, Weber NC
Thomas Prince and Neville Weber: Fixation in conditional branching process models in population genetics, Journal of Applied Probability, 44 (2007), no. 3, 1103–1110. MR2382949

28. Wang Q, Weber NC
Qiying Wang and Neville C Weber: Exact convergence rate and leading term in the central limit theorem for \(U\)-statistics, Statistica Sinica, 16 (2006), no. 4, 1409–1422. MR2327497

29. Perera DI, Peiris MS, Robinson J, Weber NC
D I Perera, M S Peiris, J Robinson and N C Weber: Saddlepoint approximation methods for testing of serial correlation in panel time series data, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 76 (2006), no. 11, 1001–1015. MR2255899

30. Merrifield A, Myerscough MR, Weber NC
A Merrifield, Mary R Myerscough and N Weber: Statistical tests for analysing directed movement of self-organising animal groups, Mathematical Biosciences, 203 (2006), no. 1, 64–78. MR2268161

31. Fogarty P, Weber NC
P Fogarty, N C Weber: The smoothness criterion as a trend diagnostic, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, online (2006), 1–12. MR2214347

32. Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
B Gail Ivanoff, N C Weber: Spreadable arrays and martingale structures, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 79 (2005), 277–296. MR2176348

33. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Yuri Borovskikh and N.C. Weber: On the Edgeworth expansion for elementary polynomials based on trimmed samples, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 71 (2005), 155–166. MR2127674

34. Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
B Gail Ivanoff and N C Weber: Predictable sampling for partially exchangeable arrays, Statistics and Probability Letters, 70 (2004), 95–108. MR2100077

35. Perera DI, Peiris MS, Weber NC
D. Perera, S. Peiris and N. Weber: A Note on the Distribution of Serial Correlation in Large number of Small Samples, Current Research in Modelling, Data Mining and Quantitative Techniques, University of Western Sydney Press, University of Western Sydney, (2003), 172–192. ISBN 0-975-1599-0-9.

36. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Y.V. Borovskikh, N.C. Weber: Large deviations of U-statistics II, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 43 (2003), 294–316. MR2019542

37. Hunt RL, Peiris MS, Weber NC
Hunt, R. L., Peiris, M. S. and Weber, N. C.: The bias of lag window estimators of the fractional difference parameter, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 12 (2003), 67–79. 2004a:62156

38. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Y V Borovskikh, N C Weber: Large deviations of U-statistics I, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 43 (2003), 13–37. MR1996751

39. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Y.V. Borovskikh and N.C. Weber: Bounds for non-Gaussian approximations of U-statistics, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 15 (2002), 343–382. 2003c:62035

40. Warton WI, Weber NC
Warton, D.I. and Weber, N.C.: Common slope tests for bivariate errors-in-variables models, Biometrical Journal, 44 (2002), 161–174. MR1893928

41. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Y V Borovskikh and N C Weber: Large deviation results for a \(U\)-statistical sum with product kernel, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 63 (2001), 151–165. 2001m:60059

42. van de Ven RJ, Weber NC
Remy van de Ven, Neville Weber: On the asymptotic behaviour of estimators of the shape parameter of the negative binomial distribution, ISI 99, 52nd Session, ISI99, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Edita Ltd, Helsinki, Finland, (1999), 419–420. ISBN 90-73592-16-X.

43. Borovskikh YV, Weber NC
Yuri V Borovskikh, Neville C Weber: On Wald's equation for \(U\)-statistical sums, Statistics and Probability Letters, 44 (1999), 375–382. 2000h:60047

44. Weber NC
N C Weber: Statistical Society of Australia, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Samuel Kotz (ed.), 3 John Wiley and Sons, New York etc, (1999), 698–700.

45. Sekhon LHS, Spence I, Morgan MK, Weber NC
Sekhon L.H., Spence I., Morgan M.K. and Weber N.C.: Role of inhibition in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion., Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 5 (1998), no. 4, 423–428.

46. Sekhon LHS, Spence I, Morgan MK, Weber NC
Sekhon, L.H.S., Spence, I., Morgan, M.K., Weber, N.C.: Long-term potentiation saturation in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 5 (1998), 323–328.

47. Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
B. Gail Ivanoff, N.C. Weber: A maximal inequality and tightness for multiparameter stochastic processes, Asymptotic Methods in Probability and Statistics, International Conference on Asymptotic Methods in Probability and Statistics 97, B. Szyszkowicz (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, (1998), 359–369. ISBN 0 444 50083 9. 99i:60078

48. Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
B. Gail Ivanoff, N.C. Weber: Tail probabilities for weighted sums of products of normal random variables, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 239–244. 99i:60099

49. Keener RW, Robinson J, Weber NC
R.W. Keener, J. Robinson, N.C. Weber: Tail probability approximations for \(U\)-statistics, Statistics and Probability Letters, 37 (1998), 59–65. 99b:60040

50. Weber NC, Kokic PN
N C Weber and P N Kokic: On Cramer's condition for Edgeworth expansions in the finite population case, Theory of Stochastic Processes, 3 (1997), 468–474.

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