School of Mathematics and Statistics
REVISED 12/03/25
First Semester, 2025
Complete lecture timetable
Complete seminar timetable
Complete tutorial timetable
Combined Honours timetable
Individual units of study
DATA1001 Foundations of Data Science
DATA1901 Foundations of Data Science (Adv)
DATA3888 Data Science Capstone
MATH1002 Linear Algebra
MATH1005 Statistical Thinking with Data
MATH1021 Calculus Of One Variable
MATH1023 Multivariable Calculus and Modelling
MATH1050 Mathematics Toolbox for Science
MATH1061 Mathematics 1A
MATH1062 Mathematics 1B
MATH1100 Power of Number A
MATH1111 Introduction to Calculus
MATH1115 Interrogating Data
MATH1961 Mathematics 1A (Adv)
MATH1971 Mathematics 1A (SSP)
MATH2021 Vector Calculus and Differential Equations
MATH2022 Linear and Abstract Algebra
MATH2061 Linear Mathematics and Vector Calculus
MATH2069 Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
MATH2921 Vector Calculus and Differential Eqs (Adv)
MATH2922 Linear and Abstract Algebra (Advanced)
MATH3063 Nonlinear ODEs with Applications
MATH3066 Algebra and Logic
MATH3076 Mathematical Computing
MATH3961 Metric Spaces (Advanced)
MATH3962 Rings, Fields and Galois Theory (Adv)
MATH3963 Nonlinear ODEs with Applications (Adv)
MATH3974 Fluid Dynamics (Advanced)
MATH3976 Mathematical Computing (Advanced)
MATH3979 Complex Analysis (Advanced)
MATH4061 Metric Spaces
MATH4062 Rings, Fields and Galois Theory
MATH4063 Dynamical Systems and Applications
MATH4074 Fluid Dynamics
MATH4076 Computational Mathematics
MATH4079 Complex Analysis
MATH4313 Functional Analysis
MATH4314 Representation Theory
MATH4411 Applied Computational Mathematics
MATH4511 Arbitrage Pricing in Continuous Time
MATH5311 Topics in Algebra (Alt)
MATH5410 Special Topics in Applied Mathematics
ODAT5011 Data Analytics Foundations PG
ODAT5021 Study Design and Analysis PG
ODAT5022 Applied Time Series Analysis PG
OSTA5003 Computational Statistical Methods
PHAR1812 Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences
SCIE1001 Sydney Science 2050: Towards the Future
SCIE4002 Experimental Design and Data Analysis
STAT2011 Probability and Estimation Theory
STAT2911 Probability and Statistical Models (Adv)
STAT3021 Stochastic Processes
STAT3022 Applied Linear Models
STAT3921 Stochastic Processes (Advanced)
STAT3922 Applied Linear Models (Advanced)
STAT3926 Statistical Consulting (Advanced)
STAT4021 Stochastic Processes and Applications
STAT4022 Linear and Mixed Models
STAT4026 Statistical Consulting
STAT4028 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
STAT4528 Probability and Martingale Theory
STAT5002 Introduction to Statistics
STAT5003 Computational Statistical Methods