SMS scnews item created by Boris Lishak at Mon 10 Dec 2018 1742
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Calendar1: 11 Dec 2018 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 535A
CalTitle1: Choi -- Lens-shaped totally geodesic ends of convex real projective manifolds
Auth: [email protected] (blis3801) in SMS-WASM

Geometry and Topology Seminar

Lens-shaped totally geodesic ends of convex real projective manifolds

Suhyoung Choi (KAIST)

Please join us for lunch at 1 p.m.


Convex projective structures are generalizations of hyperbolic structures on n-manifolds (orbifolds). We will study totally geodesic ends of convex real projective n-manifolds. These are ends that we can compactify by totally geodesic orbifolds of codimension-one. We propose a sufficient condition for lens-shaped end-neighborhoods to exist for a totally geodesic end. The condition is that of the uniform-middle-eigenvalues on the end-holonomy-group. For this, we attempt to show that every affine deformation of a discrete dividing linear group satisfying this condition acts on properly convex domains in the affine n-space. We will mention about the lens-shaped radial ends which are dual to lens-shaped totally geodesic ends. We also discuss the relationship to the globally hyperbolic space-times in flat Lorentz geometry.

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