SMS scnews item created by Boris Lishak at Thu 14 Mar 2019 1424
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Calendar1: 19 Mar 2019 1400-1500
CalLoc1: Carslaw 535A
CalTitle1: Mazzucchelli -- Periodic orbits of exact magnetic flows on surfaces
Auth: [email protected]

Geometry and Topology Seminar

Periodic orbits of exact magnetic flows on surfaces

Marco Mazzucchelli (ENS Lyon)

Please join us for lunch before the talk. We are meeting at 12:45 on Carslaw level 2.

Abstract: This talk is about the existence of periodic obits of exact magnetic flows on the cotangent bundle of closed surfaces. The dynamics of these Hamiltonian systems on high energy levels is well known: it is conjugated to a Reeb flow, and actually to a Finsler geodesic flow. In the talk, I will focus on low energies, more precisely on energies below the so-called Mañé critical value of the universal covering. After introducing the setting, I will present a recent result asserting the existence of infinitely many periodic orbits on almost all energy levels in this range. This is a joint work with A. Abbondandolo, L. Macarini, and G. P. Paternain.