SMS scnews item created by Boris Lishak at Mon 6 May 2019 1453
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Calendar1: 7 May 2019 1400-1500
CalTitle1: Lesch -- The resolvent expansion of geometric operators on singular spaces
Auth: [email protected]

Geometry and Topology Seminar

The resolvent expansion of geometric operators on singular spaces

Matthias Lesch (University of Bonn)

Seminar schedule

Please join us for lunch before the talk. We are meeting at 12:30 on Carslaw level 2.

Abstract: In this overview talk I will review the “direct” approach to the resolvent expansion of Laplace type operators on certain singular spaces. The paradigm is that on the model singularity one has a second order Sturm-Liouville operator with operator valued coefficients. This point of view has the advantage of being very elementary, microlocal analysis is only needed in the smooth interior. This is an ongoing projectwith Boris Vertman and Luiz Hartmann.