SMS scnews item created by Boris Lishak at Thu 14 Nov 2019 1552
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Calendar1: 18 Nov 2019 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 375
CalTitle1: Licata -- Foliated Open Books
Auth: [email protected]
Geometry and Topology Seminar
Foliated Open Books ---or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying About How to Glue Open Books
Joan Licata (ANU)
November 18, 12:00-13:00 in Carslaw 375
Seminar schedule
Please join us for lunch after the talk.
In this talk, I'll discuss recent joint work with Vera Vertesi to develop a new version of an open book decomposition for contact three-manifolds. Our foliated open books join a zoo of existing types of open books, so I'll focus on the senses in which ours is a natural construction which provides a user-friendly approach to cutting and gluing.
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