SMS scnews item created by Catherine Meister at Wed 23 Oct 2024 1448
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 20 Nov 2024
Calendar1: 31 Oct 2024 1300-1400
CalLoc1: SMRI Seminar Room Macleay A12 Room 301
CalTitle1: SMRI Seminar: Artin-Tits groups, Coxeter groups and Shi arrangements
Auth: [email protected] (cmei0631) in SMS-SAML

SMRI Seminar: Hohlweg -- Artin-Tits groups, Coxeter groups and Shi arrangements

SMRI Seminar, 'Artin-Tits groups, Coxeter groups and Shi arrangements' 

Speaker: Christophe Hohlweg, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) 

Abstract: In this talk, I will explain how the study of the word problem - a pure
abstract group problem -  in Artin-Tits group, a class of groups that generalizes the
braid group, led to an unexpected link to a family of hyperplane arrangements associated
to Coxeter groups - groups of mirror symmetries - called the Shi arrangements.  This
will be a colloquium talk based on a research project initiated with Dehornoy and Dyer
in 2015, the latest part of which obtained l with Dyer, Fishel and Marks in 2024.

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