Zhitao Zhang
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, The
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
12 Oct 2009 3-4pm, Carslaw Room 454
We study the boundary value problems for a class of
Monge-Amp�re equations: det D2u = e-u in Ω ⊂ Rn,n ≥ 1,�u|
∂Ω = 0. First we
prove that any solution on the ball is radially symmetric by the argument of
moving plane. Then we reduce the equation to an ODE, and show there exists a
critical radius such that if the radius of a ball is smaller than this critical value,
then there exists a solution and vice versa. Using the comparison between
domains we can prove that this phenomenon occurs for every domain. We
calculate the one dimensional case explicitly, which also indicates some kind of
bifurcation phenomena may exist. Finally for the fixed domain we consider an
equivalent problem with a parameter det D2u = e-tu in Ω,�u|
∂Ω = 0,t ≥ 0. By
using Lyapunov-Schmidt Reduction method we get the local structure of the
solutions near a degenerate point; by Leray-Schauder degree theory, a
priori estimates and bifurcation theory we get the global structure and
prove existence of at least two solutions for a certain range of parameters
t (0,T*), a unique solution at t = T*, nonexistence of solution for t > T*.
Check also the PDE Seminar page. Enquiries to Florica C�rstea or Daniel Daners.