SMS scnews item created by Tom Goertzen at Sat 8 Mar 2025 1305
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 16 Mar 2025
Calendar1: 14 Mar 2025 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 175
CalTitle1: Kodera - Coproduct for affine Yangians and parabolic induction for rectangular W-algebras
Auth: [email protected] (tgoe0324) in SMS-SAML

Algebra Seminar: Kodera -- Coproduct for affine Yangians and parabolic induction for rectangular W-algebras

Ryosuke Kodera (Chiba University) will be speaking in the algebra seminar.  We will
go out for lunch after the talk---all are welcome to join! 

When: 12-1pm Friday March 14 

Where: Carslaw 175 

Title: Coproduct for affine Yangians and parabolic induction for rectangular W-algebras 

Abstract: Yangians and their representation theory grew up from the study of integrable
systems.  In the first part of this seminar, I will review the theory of Yangians.
Then, I will give an introduction to Yangians of affine type and motivations to study
them such as their relation to affine W-algebras (via Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa
correspondence) in the second part.  This part is based on a joint work with Mamoru Ueda
(arXiv:2107.00780) and on that with Yehao Zhou (in progress).