SMS scnews item created by Haotian Wu at Mon 8 Jun 2020 2049
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 20 Jul 2020
Calendar1: 22 Jun 2020 1100-1200
CalLoc1: Zoom Meeting
CalTitle1: Differential Geometry Seminar Series : Jiang -- Introduction to Cheeger-Colding theory about Ricci curvature and recent progress
Auth: [email protected] (hawu2800) in SMS-WASM

Differential Geometry Seminar Series: Jiang -- Introduction to Cheeger-Colding theory about Ricci curvature and recent progress

Zoom Meeting ID: 979-5097-3726
Password: 088011

Time: 11:00AM--12:00PM, 22 June 2020

Lecturer: Wenshuai Jiang (Sydney)
Title: Introduction to Cheeger-Colding theory about Ricci curvature and recent progress 

Abstract: In these serial seminars, we will focus on manifolds with lower Ricci
curvature bounds.  By studying the structure of Gromov-Hausdorff limit of a sequence of
manifolds with lower Ricci curvature, Cheeger-Colding obtained several important and
fundamental results about Ricci curvature.  It turns out that such theory has
significant applications to the existence of Kaehler-Einstein metrics, Ricci flow,
geometric groups and other related topics.  

The aim of theses seminars is systematically introducing Cheeger-Colding theory and
discussing its related applications.  At the end we will discuss recent progress by
Cheeger-Naber and a joint work with Cheeger-Naber.  

This is the twelfth lecture for the series.