SMS scnews item created by Sheehan Olver at Mon 19 May 2014 1305
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 21 May 2014
Calendar1: 21 May 2014
Auth: [email protected] (assumed)

Applied Maths Seminar: Slevinsky -- On the Use of Conformal Maps for the Acceleration of Convergence of the Trapezoidal Rule and Sinc Numerical Methods

Dear Everyone, 

The Applied Maths seminar this week is, as usual in the Access Grid Room at 2pm on
Wednesday.  The speaker is Mikael Slevinsky, who is visiting from U.  Alberta.  The
title and abstract appears below.  

Please meet at Carslaw level 6 lifts at 12.30pm to go to lunch with the speaker.  

Kind regards, 

Sheehan Olver 

Title: On the Use of Conformal Maps for the Acceleration of Convergence of the
Trapezoidal Rule and Sinc Numerical Methods 

Abstract: We investigate the use of conformal maps for the acceleration of convergence
of the trapezoidal rule and Sinc numerical methods.  The conformal map is a polynomial
adjustment to the sinh map, and allows for the treatment of a finite number of
singularities.  In the case where locations are unknown, the so-called Sinc-Padé
approximants are used to provide approximate results.  This adaptive method is shown to
have almost the same convergence properties.  We use the conformal maps to generate high
accuracy solutions to highly oscillatory integrals that arise in the theory of molecular
integrals over exponential basis functions.