Front Page

General InformationOrganising Committee

General Information

This is a joint workshop of

to celebrate the 60th birthday of Professor Norman Dancer (FAA). It is to be held at The University of New England in Armidale, Australia from 16-21 July 2006.

Specific topics include: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Dynamical Systems.

Limited funding is available for partial travel and accommodation support of early-career researchers (including PhD students) from AMSI member institutions (please contact the organisers for further details).

The conference was a great success with 40 Participants from about 10 countries and a large variety of talks. Also look at the News Item from the University of New England.

Organising Committee

  • Daniel Daners (University of Sydney)
  • Yihong Du (University of New England)
  • Chris Radford (Memorial Univ. Newfoundland, Canada, formerly Univ. New England)
  • Shusen Yan (University of New England)
For enquiries contact [email protected] (Yihong Du)

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