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The conference talks will be held at a venue near the School of Mathematics and Statistics, which is located in the Carslaw Building (L19 on the Campus Map), very close to the City Road entrance. People planning on attending the talks should register by following the instructions below. There is no fee for registering for the conference talks.

There will be a conference dinner on the evening of Monday March 5th at the the Darlington Centre, University of Sydney (R15 on the Campus Map). Pre-dinner drinks start at 6.30pm. The cost per head is $88. Please send cheques, made payable to The University of Sydney, to Gavin Brown Conference Dinner Organizers, The School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006. Alternatively, send your credit card details (card type, number, expiry date, name on card) to the organizers. Locals can pay by cash to Sonia Morr.

To register for the conference talks and/or the conference dinner, please either

  1. download the plain text file registration.txt, complete the form, and email it to [email protected]; or
  2. download the pdf file registration.pdf, complete the form in Acrobat Reader, print it to a .ps file, and send this to [email protected]; or
  3. download the pdf file registration.pdf, complete the form in Acrobat Reader, print it, and fax the printed form to (02) 9351 4534, attention Gavin Brown Conference.

The deadline for registration and payment for the conference dinner is February 23.