


Publication Search Results

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1. Assaf E, Babei A, Breen B, Costa E, Duque-Rosero J, Horawa A, Kieffer J, Kulkarni A, Molnar G, Schiavone S, Voight J
Eran Assaf, Angelica Babei, Ben Breen, Edgar Costa, Juanita Duque-Rosero, Aleksander Horawa, Jean Kieffer, Avinash Kulkarni, Grant Molnar, Sam Schiavone and John Voight: A database of basic numerical invariants of Hilbert modular surfaces, LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland and John Voight (eds.), Contemp. Math., 796, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, United States, (2024), 285–312. ISBN 978-1-4704-7260-3. MR4732692

2. Best AJ, Bober J, Booker AR, Costa E, Cremona J, Derickx M, Lowry-Duda D, Lee M, Roe D, Sutherland AV, Voight J
Alex J. Best, Jonathan Bober, Andrew R. Booker, Edgar Costa, John Cremona, Maarten Derickx, David Lowry-Duda, Min Lee, David Roe, Andrew V. Sutherland and John Voight: Computing classical modular forms, Arithmetic geometry, number theory, and computation, Jennifer S. Balakrishnan, Noam Elkies, Brendan Hassett, Bjorn Poonen, Andrew V. Sutherland and John Voight (eds.), Simons Symposia, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, (2022), 131–213. ISBN 978-3-030-80913-3; 978-3-030-80914-0. MR4427962

3. Costa E, Lombardo D, Voight J
Edgar Costa, Davide Lombardo and John Voight: Identifying central endomorphisms of an abelian variety via Frobenius endomorphisms, Research in Number Theory, 7 (2021), no. 3, Paper number 46 (14 pages). MR4280568

4. Costa E, Mascot N, Sijsling J, Voight J
Edgar Costa, Nicolas Mascot, Jeroen Sijsling and John Voight: Rigorous computation of the endomorphism ring of a Jacobian, Mathematics of Computation, 88 (2019), no. 317, 1303–1339. MR3904148

Number of matches: 4