


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Brew A

1. Sharma MD, Britton S, Brew A, New PB
Manjula D Sharma, Sandra Britton, Angela Brew & Peter New: Transferring mathematical skills into Physics, AAPT Focuses on the Science of Light, 123rd AAPT National Meeting, Announcer, American Association of Physics Teachers, Rochester, (2001), 72.

2. Sharma MD, Brew A, New PB, Britton S
Manjula D Sharma, Angela Brew, Peter New and Sandra Britton: Do students in the Faculty of Science transfer mathematical skills between subject areas?, Showcase of Scholarly Inquiry in Teaching and Learning, The Vice-Chancellor's Showcase of Scholarly Inquiry in Teaching and Learning, The Institute for Teaching and Learning, Sydney, (2001), 36. ISBN 1 86487 418 X.

3. New PB, Britton S, Sharma MD, Brew A
Peter New, Sandra Britton, Manjula Sharma, Angela Brew: Researching the transferability of mathematical skills, Proceedings of research and development into university science teaching and learning workshop, Research and Development into University Science Teaching and Learning, Anne Fernandez (ed.), Uniserve Science, Uniserve Science, The University of Sydney, (2001), 53–57. ISBN 1 86487 411 2.

Number of matches: 3