


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Canning J

1. Cook K, Padden WEP, Canning J, Fevrier S, Li B
Kevin Cook, Whayne Padden, John Canning, Sebastien Fevrier, Bingxin Li: Bragg gratings in the germanium-doped concentric rings of an Yb3+-doped core solid photonic bandgap fibre, Proceedings of SPIE: Fourth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Fourth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Jose Luis Santos, Brian Culshaw, Jose Miguel Lopez-Highuera, William MacPherson (eds.), SPIE, SPIE online, (2010), 76532H. ISBN 9780819480835.

2. Canning J, Padden WEP, Boskovic D, Naqshbandi M, Costanzo L, Huyang G, Bruyn H, Sum TH, Crossley MJ
John Canning, Whayne Padden, Danijel Boskovic, Masood Naqshbandi, Lorenzo Costanzo, George Huyang, Hank de Bruyn, Tze Han Sum, Maxwell J Crossley: Enhancing absorption and sensitivity withinn structured optical fibres, Proceedings of SPIE: Fourth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Fourth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Jose Luis Santos, Brian Culshaw, Jose Miguel Lopez-Highuera, William MacPherson (eds.), SPIE, SPIE online, (2010), 76532B. ISBN 9780819480835.

3. Aslund M, de Sterke CM, Poladian L, Canning J
M. Aslund, C. M. de Sterke, L. Poladian and J. Canning: Bragg Grating Optical Add-drop Multiplexers, VDM Verlag, Berlin, (2008), 124. ISBN ISBN 978-3-639-04974-9.

Number of matches: 3