


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cannon JJ, Steel A, Unger WR
John J Cannon, Allan K Steel and William R Unger: Construction of the irreducible modular representations of a finite group, Journal of Algebra, 545C (2020), 64–87.

2. Cannon JJ, Holt DF, Unger WR
John J Cannon, Derek F Holt, William R Unger: The use of permutation representations in structural computations in large finite matrix groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 95 (2019), no. November-December 2019, 26–38. MR3951547

3. Cannon JJ, Garonzi M, Levy D, Maroti A, Simion II
John Cannon, Martino Garonzi, Dan Levy, Attila Maroti, Iulian I Simion: Groups equal to a product of three conjugate subgroups, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 215 (2016), 31–52. MR3551894

4. Cannon JJ, Holt DF
John J Cannon and Derek F Holt: Computing Projective Indecomposable Modules and Higher Cohomology Groups, Experimental Mathematics, 22 (2013), no. 1, 51–59.

5. Cannon JJ, Donnelly S, Fieker C, Watkins M
John Cannon, Steve Donnelly, Claus Fieker and Mark Watkins: Magma - A tool for number theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6327 (2010), 253–255.

6. Cannon JJ, Holt DF
John J Cannon, Derek F Holt: The transitive permutation groups of degree 32, Experimental Mathematics, 17 (2008), no. 3, 307–314. MR2455702

7. An J, Cannon JJ, O'Brien EA, Unger WR
Jianbei An, John J Cannon, E A O'Brien and W R Unger: The Alperin weight conjecture and Dade's conjecture for the simple group \(\mathrm{Fi}_{24}'\), LMS Journal of computation and mathematics, 11 (2008), 100–145. MR2410917

8. Cannon JJ, Holt DF
John J Cannon, Derek F Holt: Computing conjugacy class representatives in permutation groups, Journal of Algebra, 300 (2006), no. 1, 213–222. MR2228644

9. Cannon JJ, Holt DF, Slattery MC, Steel A
John J Cannon, Derek F Holt, Michael Slattery, Allan K Steel: Computing subgroups of bounded index in a finite group, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 40 (2005), no. 2, 1013–1022. MR2167681

10. Cannon JJ, Eick B, Leedham-Green CR
J Cannon, B Eick and C R Leedham-Green: Special polycyclic generating sequences for finite soluble groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 38 (2004), no. 5, 1445–1460. MR2168723

11. Cannon JJ, Holt DF
John Cannon, Derek F Holt: Computing maximal subgroups of finite groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 37 (2004), 589–609. MR2094616

12. Cannon JJ, Holt DF
John J Cannon, Derek F Holt Derek: Automorphism group computation and isomorphism testing in finite groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 35 (2003), 241–267. 2004c:20035

13. Cannon JJ, Unger WR
J Cannon & W Unger: Magma, Handbook of Computer Algebra, foundations, applications, systems, Springer, Berlin, (2002), 295–307.

14. Cannon JJ, Cox BC, Holt DF
Cannon John J, Cox Bruce C, Holt Derek F: Computing the subgroups of a permutation group, Computational Algebra and Number Theory, 31 (2001), 149–161. 2002e:20008

15. Cannon JJ, Souvignier B
J. Cannon, B. Souvignier: An the computation of conjugacy classes in permutation groups, Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC 97, Wolfgang W. Kuchlin (ed.), ISSAC 97, ACM Press (Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.), New York, U.S.A, (1997), 392–399. ISBN 0 89791 875 4. MR1810005

16. Cannon JJ, Cox BC, Holt DF
J. Cannon, B. C. Cox, D. F. Holt: Computing Sylow subgroups in permutation groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 24 (1997), no. 3/4, 303–316. 98m:20010

17. Cannon JJ, Holt DF
J. Cannon, D. F. Holt: Computing chief series, composition series and socles in large permutation groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 24 (1997), no. 3/4, 285–301. 98m:20009

18. Cannon JJ, Playoust CE
J. Cannon, C. A. Playoust: Using the magma computer algebra system in abstract algebra courses, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 23 (1997), no. 5/6, 459–484.

19. Bosma W, Cannon JJ, Playoust CE
W. Bosma, J. Cannon, C. Playoust: The magma algebra system I: the user language, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 24 (1997), no. 3/4, 235–265. MR1484478

20. Bosma W, Cannon JJ, Steel A
W. Bosma, J. Cannon, A. Steel: Lattices of compatibility embedded finite fields, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 24 (1997), no. 3/4, 351–369. 99a:11143

21. Cannon JJ, Playoust CE
J.J.Cannon, C.-E.Playoust: Magma: a new computer algebra system, Euromath Bulletin, 2 (1996), 113–144. MR1413180

22. Cannon JJ, and others
Cannon JJ, et al: Magma V1.1, Computer Algebra Software (1,000,000 lines of C code) (1995),

23. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: Effective reduction algorithms for permutation groups, Invited lectures Workshop on Group Actions, Australian National University, May-June 1993, (1993),

24. Butler G, Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: On Holt's algorithm, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 15 (1993), MR1281200

25. Cannon JJ, and others
Cannon JJ, et al: Magma V1.0; 640,000 lines of C code, Computational Algebra University of Sydney, (1993),

26. Cannon JJ, and others
Cannon JJ, et al: Cayley V3.8, (As for V3.7 plus modules, matrix rings, character theory and graph theory; 360,000 lines of C code.) (1991),

27. Cannon JJ, and others
Cannon JJ, et al: A platform for algebraic software, (46,000 lines of C code.) (1991),

28. Cameron PJ, Cannon JJ
Cameron PJ, Cannon JJ: Recognizing doubly transitive groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 12 (1991), 459–474. 92m:20003

29. Butler G, Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: Computing Sylow subgroups of permutation groups via homomorphic images of centralizers, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 12 (1991), 443–458. 92m:20002

30. Bosma W, Cannon JJ
Bosma W, Cannon JJ: A Handbook of Cayley Functions, 1st edn (1991), 1–243.

31. Cannon JJ, Richardson JS
Cannon JJ, Richardson JS: Blockhandler V1.3, (5,000 lines of C code.) (1990),

32. Butler G, Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: The design of Cayley --- a language for modern algebra, Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems, Miola A (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 429 Springer, (1990), 10–19.

33. Cannon JJ, and others
Cannon JJ, et al: Cayley V3.7, (As for V3.6 plus soluble groups and number theory; 280,000 lines of C code.) (1989),

34. Butler G, Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: Computing in permutation and matrix groups III : Sylow subgroups, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 8 (1989), 241–252. 90i:20003

35. Butler G, Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: The design of Cayley --- A language for modern algebra, Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 88 Conference on Programming Language Design. Atlanta, Georgia, (1988), MR1053754

36. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ, et al: Cayley V3.6, (As for V3.3 plus modular representation theory; 230,000 lines of C code.) (1988),

37. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: Recent development in computational group theory, Conference on Constructive Algebraic Number Theory, Oberwolfach 1988, (1988),

38. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: Overview of the algebra system Cayley V4, Conference on Computational Group Theory, Oberwolfach 1988, (1988),

39. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: An introduction to the modern algebra system Cayley, Belgium Conference on Computer Algebra, Ghent 1988, (1988),

40. Butler G, Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: Cayley version 4: The user language, Proceedings of the 1988 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Rome, July 4--8, 1988, Gianni P (ed) (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 358 (1988), MR1053754

41. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: A computational toolkit for finite permutation groups, Proceedings of the Rutgers Group Theory Year, 1983 - 1984, Aschbacher M et al (ed.), CUP, New York, (1984), 1–18.

42. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: An introduction to the group theory language Cayley, Computational Group Theory, Atkinson MD (ed.), Academic Press, London, (1984), 145–183. MR0760656

43. Cannon JJ, Richardson JS
Cannon JJ, Richardson JS: Cayley --- Teaching Group Theory by Computer, SIGSAM Bulletin, 18 (1984), 15–18.

44. Butler G, Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: Computing with permutation and matrix groups I: Normal closure, commutator subgroups, series, Mathematics of Computation, 39 (1982), 671–680.

45. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: The basis of a computer system for modern algebra, Proceedings of the 1981 ACM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Snowbird, Utah, August, 1981, SYMSAC '81, Assoc. Comp. Mach., New York, (1981), 1–5.

46. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: Software tools for group theory, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 37 (1980), 495–502. MR0604627

47. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: Effective procedures for the recognition of primitive groups, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 37 (1980), 487–493. MR0604626

48. Cannon JJ, McKay J, Young K-C
Cannon JJ, McKay J, Young K-C: Presentations for simple groups of order less than \(10^5\), Communications in Algebra, 7 (1979), 1397–1406. 80e:20023

49. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: On the teaching of mathematics for the social sciences, Proceedings of a Conference on Mathematics needed for Particular Social Sciences, Canberra, May 1974, Australian Academy of Social Sciences, (1976), 228–237.

50. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: A draft description of the group theory language Cayley, Proceedings of the 1976 ACM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., August 1976, Jenks RD (ed.), Assoc. Comp. Mach., New York, (1976), 66–84.

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