


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Carberry E, Ogilvie R
Emma Carberry and Ross Ogilvie: The space of equivariant harmonic tori in the 3-sphere, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 157 (2020), Article 103808 (22 pages). MR4127293

2. Carberry E, Ogilvie R
Emma Carberry and Ross Ogilvie: Whitham deformations and the space of harmonic tori in \(S ^ 3\), Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 99 (2019), no. 3, 945–964. MR3977897

3. Carberry E, Turner K
Emma Carberry and Katharine Turner: Toda frames, harmonic maps and extended Dynkin diagrams, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 52 (2017), 152–157.

4. Carberry E, Kilian M, Klein S, Schmidt MU
Emma Carberry, Martin Kilian, Sebastian Klein and Martin Ulrich Schmidt: The space of genus two spectral curves of constant mean curvature tori in \(\mathbb R^3\), (2023), preprint.

5. Carberry E, Schmidt MU
Emma Carberry and Martin Ulrich Schmidt: The closure of spectral data for constant mean curvature tori in \(\mathbb{S}^3\), J. reine angew. Math, 721 (2016), 149–166.

6. Carberry E, Schmidt MU
Emma Carberry and Martin Ulrich Schmidt: The prevalence of tori amongst constant mean curvature planes in \(\mathbb{R}^3\), Journal of Geometry and Physics, 106 (2016), 352–366.

7. Carberry E, Turner K
Emma Carberry and Katharine Turner: Toda frames, harmonic maps and extended Dynkin diagrams, (2014), preprint.

8. Carberry E, Turner K
Emma Carberry and Katherine Turner: Harmonic tori in De Sitter spaces \(S^{2n}_1\), Geometriae Dedicata, 170 (2014), no. 1, 143–155.

9. Carberry E
Emma Carberry: Harmonic Maps and Integrable Systems, Contemporary Mathematics, 597 (2013), 139–163.

10. Carberry E, Leschke K, Pedit F
E Carberry, K Leschke, F Pedit: Darboux transforms and spectral curves of constant mean curvature surfaces revisited, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 43 (2013), no. 4, 299–329.

11. Carberry E
Emma Carberry: Harmonic Maps And Integrable Systems, (2012), preprint.

12. Carberry E, Schmidt MU
Emma Carberry and Martin Ulrich Schmidt: The closure of spectral data for constant mean curvature tori in \(S^3\), (2012), preprint.

13. Carberry E, Turner K
Emma Carberry and Katharine Turner: Harmonic tori in de Sitter spaces \(S ^ {2n}_1\), (2012), preprint.

14. Carberry E, Turner K
Emma Carberry and Katharine Turner: Toda frames, harmonic maps and extended Dynkin diagrams, (2011), preprint.

15. Carberry E, Leschke K, Pedit F
Emma Carberry, Katrin Leschke and Franz Pedit: Darboux transforms and spectral curves of constant mean curvature surfaces revisited, (2011), preprint.

16. Carberry E
Emma Carberry: Associative cones in the imaginary Octonions, Proceedings of the 16th Osaka City University International Academic Symposium 2008, Riemann Surfaces, Harmonic Maps and Visualization, Yoshihiro Ohnita, Martin Guest, Reiko Miyaoka, and Wayne Rossman (eds.), OCAMI Studies Volume 3, OCAMI, Osaka, Japan, (2010), 251–265. ISBN 978-4-901409-69-8.

17. Carberry E
Emma Carberry: Associative Cones in the Imaginary Octonions, (2009), preprint.

18. Carberry E
Emma Carberry: Letters to a Young Mathematician, The Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 54 (2007), no. 5, 629–630.

19. Carberry E
Emma Carberry: Minimal tori in \(S^3\), Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 233 (2007), no. 1, 41–70.

20. Carberry E, McIntosh I
Emma Carberry and Ian McIntosh: Minimal Lagrangian 2-tori in CP_2 come in real families of every dimension., Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 69 (2004), no. 2, 531–544. MR2040620

Number of matches: 20