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  • Author = Choy STB

1. Chan JSK, Choy STB, Makov U, Shamir A, Shapovalov V
Jennifer S K Chan, S T Boris Choy, Udi Makov, Ariel Shamir and Vered Shapovalov: Variable Selection Algorithm for a Mixture of Poisson Regression for Handling Overdispersion in Claims Frequency Modeling Using Telematics Car Driving Data, Risks, 10 (Open Access) (2022), no. 83, 10 pages.

2. Chan JSK, Choy STB, Makov UE, Landsman Z
J S K Chan, S T B Choy, U E Makov and Z Landsman: Modelling Insurance Losses Using Contaminated Generalised Beta Type-Ii Distribution, ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA, 48 (2018), no. 2, 871–904.

3. Yatigammana RP, Choy STB, Chan JSK
Rasika P Yatigammana, S T Boris Choy and Jennifer S K Chan: Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model with an Extended Weibull Error Distribution, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 622 (2016), no. January 2016, 83–107.

4. Choy STB, Chan JSK, Makov UE
S T Boris Choy, Jennifer S K Chan & Udi E Makov: Robust Bayesian analysis of loss reserving data using scale mixtures distributions, Journal of Applied Statistics, 43 (2016), no. 3, 396–411. MR3441544

5. Yatigammana RP, Choy STB, Chan JSK
Rasika P. Yatigammana, S.T. Boris Choy and Jennifer S.K. Chan: Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model with an Extended Weibull Error Distribution, Causal Inference in Econometrics, Studies in Computational Intelligence 622, Springer, Switzerland, (2016), 638. ISBN 1860-949X.

6. Chan JSK, Choy STB, Lam CPY
Jennifer S K Chan, S T Boris Choy and Connie P Y Lam: Modeling Electricity Price Using A Threshold Conditional Autoregressive Geometric Process Jump Model, Communications in Statistics -- Theory and Methods, 43 (2014), no. 10 - 12, 2505–2515.

7. Wang JJJ, Choy STB, Chan JSK
Joanna J J Wang, S T Boris Choy & Jennifer S K Chan: Modelling stochastic volatility using generalized t distribution, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83 (2013), no. 2, 340–354.

8. Chan JSK, Lam CPY, Yu PLH, Choy STB, Chen CWS
J S K Chan, C PY . Lam, P L H Yu, S T B Choy, C W S Chen: A Bayesian conditional autoregressive geometric process model for range data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysi, 56 (2012), no. 11, 3006–3019. MR2943877

9. Wang JJJ, Choy STB, Chan JSK
Joanna J JWang, S T Boris Choy and Jennifer S K Chan: Modelling stochastic volatility using generalized t distribution, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, iFirst (2011), no. 2011, 1–15.

10. Wang JJJ, Chan JSK, Choy STB
Wang, J.J.J., Chan, J.S.K. and Choy, S.T.B.: Stochastic Volatility Models with Leverage and Heavy-tailed Distributions: A Bayesian Approach using Scale Mixtures, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55 (2011), 852–862.

11. Chan JSK, Leung DYP, Choy STB, Wan WY
Jennifer S K Chan, Doris Y P Leung, S T Boris Choy and Wai Y Wan: Nonignorable dropout models for longitudinal binary data with random effects: An application of Monte Carlo approximation through the Gibbs ouptut, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53 (2009), 4530–4545.

12. Chan JSK, Choy STB
Chan, J.S.K. and Choy, S.T.B.: Analysis of Covariance Structures in Time Series, Journal of Data Science, 6 (2008), 573–590.

13. Choy STB, Chan JSK
Choy, S.T.B. and Chan, J.S.K.: Scale mixtures distributions in statistical modelling, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 50 (2008), 135–146.

14. Choy STB, Wan WY, Chan CM
B S T Choy, W Y Wan and C M Chan: Bayesian Student-t-Stochastic Volatility Models via Scale Mixtures, Advances in Econometrics, 23 (2008), 595–618.

15. Chan JSK, Choy STB, Lee ABW
Jennifer S.K. Chan, S.T. Boris Choy and Anna B.W. Lee: Bayesian analysis of constant elasticity of variance models, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 23 (2007), 83–96. MR2344607

16. Choy STB, Chan JSK, Yam CHK
Boris ST Choy, Jennifer SK Chan and Carrie HK Yam,: Robust analysis and salamander data, generalized linear model with random effects, Bayesian statistics 7, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith, M. West (eds.), Clarendon Press, Oxford, (2003), 477–484. ISBN 0-19-852615-6. MR2003191

Number of matches: 16