


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cohen AM, Roozemond DA
Arjeh M. Cohen and Dan Roozemond: Computing Chevalley bases in small characteristics, Journal of Algebra, 322 (2009), no. 3, 703–721. MR2531218

2. Cohen AM, Murray SH
Arjeh M Cohen, Scott H Murray: An algorithm for Lang's theorem, Journal of Algebra, 322 (2009), no. 3, 675. MR2531217

3. Cohen AM, Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Scott H. Murray: An automated proof theory approach to computation with permutation groups, (2008), preprint.

4. Cohen AM, Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Scott H. Murray: Algorithm for Lang's Theorem, (2008), preprint.

5. Cohen AM, Knopper JW, Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Jan Willem Knopper, Scott H. Murray: Automatic proof of graph nonisomorphism, (2008), preprint.

6. Cohen AM, Ivanyos G, Roozemond DA
Arjeh M. Cohen, Gábor Ivanyos, Dan A. Roozemond: Simple Lie Algebras having Extremal Elements, Indagationes Mathematicae, 19 (2008), no. 2, 177–188.

7. Cohen AM, Haller S, Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Sergei Haller, Scott H. Murray: Computing in unipotent and reductive algebraic groups, LMS Journal of Computational Mathematics, 11 (2008), 343–366. MR2452553

8. Cohen AM, Taylor DE
Arjeh M. Cohen and D. E. Taylor: On a certain Lie algebra defined by a finite group, American Mathematical Monthly, 114 (2007), no. 7, 633–639. MR2341327

9. Cohen AM, Haller S, Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Sergei Haller, Scott H. Murray: Computing in unipotent and reductive algebraic groups, (2006), preprint.

10. Cohen AM, Taylor DE
Arjeh M. Cohen and D. E. Taylor: On a certain Lie algebra defined by a finite group, (2006), preprint.

11. Cohen AM, Murray SH, Taylor DE
Arjeh Cohen, Scott Murray and D. E. Taylor: Computing in groups of Lie type, Mathematics of Computation, 73 (2004), 1477–1498. MR2047097

12. Cohen AM, Murray SH, Pollet M, Sorge V
Arjeh Cohen, Scott H. Murray, Martin Pollet and Volker Sorge: Certifying solutions to permutation group problems, Automated Deduction, CADE-19, F. Baader (ed.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Berlin, (2003), 257–273. ISBN 3-540-40559-3.

Number of matches: 12