


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Lau JW, Cripps E, Cripps S
John W Lau, Edward Cripps & Sally Cripps: Remaining useful life prediction: a multiple product partition approach, Communications in statistics - Simulation and Computation, 51 (2022), no. 9, 5288–5307.

2. Ioannidis JPA, Cripps S, Tanner MA
John P A Ioannidis, Sally Cripps, Martin A Tanner: Forecasting for COVID-19 has failed, International Journal of Forecasting, 38 (2022), no. 2, 423–438.

3. Chin V, Ioannidis JPA, Tanner MA, Cripps S
Vincent Chin, John P A Ioannidis, Martin A Tanner, Sally Cripps: Effect estimates of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions are non-robust and highly model-dependent, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 136 (2021), no. August 2021, 96–132.

4. Chandra R, Cripps S, Butterworth N, Muller RD
Rohitash Chandra, Sally Cripps, Nathaniel Butterworth, R Dietmar Muller: Precipitation reconstruction from climate-sensitive lithologies using Bayesian machine learning, Environmental Modelling and Software, 139 (2021), Article 105002 (20 pages).

5. Chandra R, Jain K, Deo RV, Cripps S
Rohitash Chandra, Konark Jain, Ratneel V Deo, Sally Cripps: Langevin-gradient parallel tempering for Bayesian neural learning, Neurocomputing, 359 (2019), no. September 2019, 315–326.

6. Scalzo R, Kohn D, Olierook H, Houseman G, Chandra R, Girolami M, Cripps S
Richard Scalzo, David Kohn, Hugo Olierook, Gregory Houseman, Rohitash Chandra, Mark Girolami, and Sally Cripps: Efficiency and robustness in Monte Carlo sampling for 3-D geophysical inversions with Obsidian v0.1.2: Setting up for success, Geoscientific Model Develpment, 12 (2019), no. 7, 2941–2960.

7. Bertolacci M, Cripps E, Rosen O, Lau JW, Cripps S
Michael Bertolacci, Edward Cripps, Ori Rosen, John W Lau and Sally Cripps: Climate inference on daily rainfall across the Australian continent, 1876–2015, Annals of Applied Statistics, 13 (2019), no. 2, 683–712.

8. Chandra R, Azam D, Müller RD, Salles T, Cripps S
Rohitash Chandra, Danial Azam, R Dietmar Müller, Tristan Salles, Sally Cripps: Bayeslands: A Bayesian inference approach for parameter uncertainty quantification in Badlands, Computers and Geosciences, 131 (2019), no. October 2019, 89–101.

9. Chandra R, Cripps S
Rohitash Chandra and Sally Cripps: Coevolutionary multi-task learning for feature-based modular pattern classification, Neurocomputing, 319 (2018), 164–175.

10. Chandra R, Azizi L, Cripps S
Rohitash Chandra, Lamiae Azizi and Sally Cripps: Bayesian Neural Learning via Langevin Dynamics for Chaotic Time Series Prediction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10638 (2017), 564–573.

Number of matches: 10