


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Fan Y

1. Fan Y, Emvalomenos G, Grazian C, Meikle SR
Fan, Y., Emvalomenos, G., Grazian, C., and Meikle, S.R.: PET-ABC: Fully Bayesian likelihood-free inference for kinetic models, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66 (2021), no. 115002, na.

2. Grazian C, Emvalomenos G, Fan Y, Meikle SR
C. Grazian, G. Emvalomenos, Y. Fan, and S.R. Meikle: vPET-ABC: Voxel-wise approximate Bayesian inference for parametric imaging of neurotransmitter release, 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE (ed.), IEEE, United States, (2021), 1.

3. Grazian C, Fan Y
Grazian, C., and Fan, Y.: A review of Approximate Bayesian Computation methods via density estimation: inference for simulator-models, WIREs Computational Statistics, e1486 (2019), na.

Number of matches: 3