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1. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
Maxwell R Bennett, Leslie Farnell, William G Gibson: Quantitative relations between BOLD responses, cortical energetics and impulse firing across cortical depth, European Journal of Neuroscience, 54 (2021), 4230–4245.

2. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M R Bennett, L Farnell and W G Gibson: Quantitative relations between transient BOLD responses, cortical energetics, and impulse firing in different cortical regions, Journal of Neurophysiology, 122 (2019), no. 3, 1226–1237.

3. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lagopoulos J
M.R.Bennett, L.Farnell, W.G.Gibson and J.Lagopoulos: A model of amygdala function following plastic changes at specific synapses during extinction, Neurobiology of Stress, 10 (2019), 13 pages.

4. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell and W.G. Gibson: Quantitative relations between BOLD responses, cortical energetics, and impulse firing, Journal of Neurophysiology, 119 (2018), 979–989.

5. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lagopoulos J
Maxwell R Bennett, Les Farnell, William Gibson, Jim Lagopoulos: On the origins of the 'global signal' determined by functional magnetic resonance imaging in the resting state, Journal of Neural Engineering, 13 (2016), no. 1, 1–11.

6. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lagopoulos J
Maxwell R Bennett, Les Farnell, William G Gibson, Jim Lagopoulos: Cortical network models of firing rate in the resting and active states predict BOLD responses, PloS one, 10 (2015), no. 12, 15 pages.

7. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lagopoulos J
M.R. Bennett, L.Farnell, W.G. Gibson, J. Lagopoulos: Cortical network models of impulse firing in the resting and active states predict cortical energetics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (2015), no. 13, 4134–4139.

8. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
Max R Bennett, Les Farnell, William G. Gibson: Fiber Pathway Pathology, Synapse Loss and Decline of Cortical Function in Schizophrenia, PLOS One, 8 (2013), no. 4, 12 pages (e60518).

9. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M R Bennett, L Farnell, W G Gibson: A model of neuregulin control of NMDA receptors on synaptic spines, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74 (2012), no. 3, 717–735. MR2889672

10. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
Max R Bennett, Les Farnell, William G Gibson: A Model of NMDA Receptor Control of F-actin Treadmilling in Synaptic Spines and Their Growth, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73 (2011), 2109–2131.

11. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
Max R Bennett, Les Farnell and William G Gibson: P2X_7 regenerative-loop potentiation of glutamate synaptic transmission by microglia and astrocytes, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 261 (2009), 1–16.

12. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
Max R. Bennett, Les Farnell, William G. Gibson: A quantitative model of cortical spreading depression due to purinergic and gap-junction transmission in astrocyte networks, Biohysical Journal, 95 (2008), 5648–5660.

13. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M R Bennett, L Farnell and W G Gibson: Origins of the BOLD changes due to synaptic activity at astrocytes abutting arteriolar smooth muscle, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 252 (2008), 123–130.

14. Bennett MR, Buljan V, Farnell L, Gibson WG
Max R. Bennett, Vlado Buljan, Les Farnell, William G. Gibson: Purinergic junctional transmission and propagation of calcium waves in cultured spinal cord microglial networks, Purinergic Signalling, 4 (2008), 47–59.

15. Gibson WG, Farnell L, Bennett MR
William G. Gibson, Les Farnell, Max R. Bennett: A quantitative model of ATP-mediated calcium wave propagation in astrocyte networks, Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Vol. 2, Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology, Birkhauser, Boston, (2008), 193–204. ISBN 978-0-8176-4555-7.

16. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: Origins of blood volume change due to glutamatergic synaptic activity at astrocytes abutting on arteriolar smooth muscle cells, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 250 (2008), 172–185.

17. Gibson WG, Farnell L, Bennett MR
William G. Gibson, Les Farnell, Max R. Bennett: A computational model relating changes in cerebral blood volume to synaptic activity in neurons, Neurocomputing, 70 (2007), 1674–1679.

18. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Dickens P
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, P. Dickens: Mechanisms of calcium sequestration during facilitation at active zones of an amphibian neuromuscular junction, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 247 (2007), 230–241. MR2312128

19. Bennett MR, Buljan V, Farnell L, Gibson WG
Max R. Bennett, Vlado Buljan, Les Farnell, William G. Gibson: Purinergic junctional transmission and propagation of calcium waves in spinal cord astrocyte networks, Biophysical Journal, 91 (2006), 3560–3571.

20. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Farnell L
RS Thompson, C Macaskill and L Farnell: Exact and weak scattering models for the complex acoustic field near to cylindrical walls and boundaries in tissue, Proceedings 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, Susan Yuhas (ed.), IEEE, New York, (2005), 528–531. ISBN 0-7803-9382-1/1051-0117.

21. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell and W.G. Gibson: A quantitative model of purinergic junctional transmission of calcium waves in astrocyte networks, Biophysical Journal, 89 (2005), 2235–2250.

22. Farnell L, Gibson WG
L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion in a spatially nonhomogeneous medium: A biased random walk on an asymmetrical lattice, Journal of Computational Physics, 208 (2005), 253–265.

23. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell and W.G. Gibson: A quantitative description of the contraction of blood vessels following the release of noradrenaline from sympathetic varicosities, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 234 (2005), 107–122. MR2140464

24. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Fraser WB, Farnell L
R S Thompson, C Macaskill, W B Fraser and L Farnell: Acoustic intensity for a long vessel with non-circular cross-section, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51 (2004), 566–575.

25. Farnell L, Gibson WG
L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion in a spatially nonhomogeneous medium: correction to the Gaussian steplength, Journal of Computational Physics, 198 (2004), 65–79. MR2071389

26. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: The facilitated probability of quantal secretion within an array of calcium channels of an active zone at the amphibian neuromuscular junction, Biophysical Journal, 86 (2004), 2674–2690.

27. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Blair DH
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, D. Blair: A quantitative description of the diffusion of noradrenaline in the media of blood vessels following its release from sympathetic varicosities, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 226 (2004), 359–372. MR2068827

28. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Farnell L, Fraser WB
R S Thompson, C Macaskill, L Farnell, W B Fraser: Ultrasound Intensity Calculations for a Vessel with Simulated Wall Lesion, 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, S C Schneider, D E Yuhas (eds.), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, (2002), 1755–1758. ISBN 0-7803-7583-1.

29. Henery R, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
R. Henery, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Potential fields in vascular smooth muscle generated by transmitter release from sympathetic varicosities, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 218 (2002), 531–548. MR2027548

30. Gibson WG, Farnell L, Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, L. Farnell, M.R. Bennett: The facilitated probability of quantal secretion within an array of calcium channels of an active zone, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2002), 84.

31. Kearns JL, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lin YQ, Bennett MR
J. Kearns, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, Y.Q. Lin, M.R. Bennett: Quantal current fields around individual boutons in sympathetic ganglia, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 214 (2002), 135–146.

32. Little G, Farnell L
G. Little and L. Farnell: Assessing the use of English in primary and secondary schools, The Education Network, 18 (2001), 9–56.

33. Gibson WG, Farnell L, Bennett MR
William G. Gibson, Les Farnell, Max R. Bennett: A Monte Carlo analysis of calcium dynamics and facilitation in nerve terminals, Neurocomputing, 38 (2001), 17–22.

34. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lin YQ, Blair DH
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, Y.Q. Lin, D.H. Blair: Quantal and non-quantal current and potential fields around individual sympathetic varicosities on release of ATP, Biophysical Journal, 80 (2001), 1311–1328.

35. Gibson WG, Farnell L, Bennett MR
Bill Gibson, Les Farnell, Max Bennett: The use of Monte Carlo methods for studying the functioning of synaptic connections between neurons, ANZIAM 2001, ANZIAM 2001: The 37th Applied Mathematics Conference, J.P. Denier and E.O. Tuck (eds.), ANZIAM, Australia, (2001), 37. ISBN 0 7259 0869 6.

36. Lin YQ, Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Blair DH
Y.Q. Lin, M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, D.H. Blair: Quantal and non-quantal current and potential fields around individual sympathetic varicosities on release of ATP, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Twentyfirst Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2001), 57.

37. Gibson WG, Henery R, Farnell L, Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, R. Henery, L. Farnell, M.R. Bennett: Transmission to smooth muscle cells at intimal surface of blood vessels due to release of ATP from sympathetic varicosities, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Twentyfirst Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2001), 110.

38. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: The probability of quantal secretion within an array of calcium channels of an active zone, Biophysical Journal, 78 (2000), 2222–2240.

39. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: The probability of quantal secretion near a single calcium channel of an active zone, Biophysical Journal, 78 (2000), 2201–2221.

40. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Macleod GT, Dickens P
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, G.T. Macleod, P. Dickens: Quantal potential fields around individual active zones of amphibian motor-nerve terminals, Biophysical Journal, 78 (2000), 1106–1118.

41. Macleod GT, Dickens P, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
G.T. Macleod, P. Dickens, L. Farnell, W. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Quantal potential fields around individual active zones of amphibian motor-nerve terminals, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Twentieth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2000), 212.

42. Lin YQ, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
Y.Q. Lin, L. Farnell, W. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Quantal potential fields around individual boutons in sympathetic ganglia, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Twentieth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2000), 159.

43. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lin YQ
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W. Gibson, Y. Lin: Quantal current fields generated in the electrical syncytium of smooth muscle by the release of ATP from sympathetic varicosities, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Twentieth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (2000), 93.

44. Macleod GT, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Bennett MR
G.T. Macleod, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson and M.R. Bennett: Quantal secretion and nerve-terminal cable properties at neuromuscular junctions in an amphibian (bufo marinus), Journal of Neurophysiology, 81 (1999), 1135–1146.

45. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: Cable analysis of a motor-nerve terminal branch in a volume conductor, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 61 (1999), 1–17.

46. Gibson WG, Farnell L, Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, L. Farnell and M.R. Bennett: Quantal secretion at calcium domains of active zones: a Monte Carlo analysis, Proceeding of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Volume 10, Australian Neuroscience Society, Nineteenth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (1999), 138.

47. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, and W.G. Gibson: On the origin of skewed distributions of spontaneous synaptic potentials in autonomic ganglia, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series B, 265 (1998), 271–277.

48. Gibson WG, Macleod GT, Farnell L, Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, G.T. Macleod, L. Farnell, M.R. Bennett: Quantal secretion and nerve-terminal cable properties at neuromuscular junctions in an amphibian (Bufo marinus), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Volume 9, Australian Neuroscience Society, Eighteenth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (1998), 123.

49. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lavidis NA
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, N.A. Lavidis: Synaptic transmission at visualized sympathetic boutons: stochastic interaction between acetylcholine and its receptors, Biophysical Journal, 72 (1997), 1595–1606.

50. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Lavidis NA
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W. Gibson, N.A. Lavidis: Synaptic transmission at visualized boutons on rat pelvic ganglion cells, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society. Sixteenth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), Australian Neuroscience Society, Adelaide, SA, Australia, (1996), 86.

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