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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Grammaticos B

1. Ramani A, Grammaticos B, Joshi N
A Ramani, B Grammaticos and N Joshi: Second-degree discrete Painlevé equations conceal first-degree ones, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (2010), 175207 (9pp).

2. Ramani A, Joshi N, Grammaticos B, Tamizhmani T
A. Ramani, N. Joshi, B. Grammaticos, T. Tamizhmani: Deconstructing an integrable lattice, (2006), preprint.

3. Joshi N, Grammaticos B, Tamizhmani T, Ramani A
N. Joshi, B. Grammaticos, T. Tamizhmani and A. Ramani: From integrable lattices to Non-QRT mappings, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 78 (2006), no. 1, 27–37. MR2271126

4. Ramani A, Joshi N, Grammaticos B, Tamizhmani T
A Ramani, N Joshi, B Grammaticos, T Tamizhmani: Deconstructing an integrable lattice equation, Journal of Physics. A, 39 (2006), no. 8, L145–L149. MR2209299

5. Joshi N, Ramani A, Grammaticos B
N Joshi, A Ramani and B Grammaticos: A bilinear approach to discrete Miura transformations, Physics Letters. A, 249 (1998), 59–62. MR1662106

Number of matches: 5