


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Guo I, Rutkowski M
Ivan Guo and Marek Rutkowski: Arbitrage-free pricing of multi-person game claims in discrete time, Finance and Stochastics, 21 (2017), no. 1, 111–155.

2. Guo I, Rutkowski M
Ivan Guo, Marek Rutkowski: Discrete time stochastic multi-player competitive games with affine payoffs, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 126 (2016), 1–32. MR3426509

3. Guo I, Rutkowski M
Ivan Guo and Marek Rutkowski: Discrete-time multi-player stopping and quitting games with redistribution of payoffs, Arbitrage, Credit and Informational Risks, Peking University - Series in Mathematics, World Scientific, Singapore, (2014), 171–206. ISBN 978-981-4602-06-8. MR3363802

4. Guo I, Rutkowski M
Ivan Guo and Marek Rutkowski: A Zero-Sum Competitive Multi-Player Game, Demonstratio Mathematica, XLV (2012), no. 2, 415–433. MR2963078

5. Buryak A, Guo I
A Buryak and Ivan Guo: New Analytic Approach to Address Put-Call Parity Violation due to Discrete Dividends, Applied Mathematical Finance, 19 (2012), no. 1, 37–58. MR2878509

Number of matches: 5