


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Henderson J, Britton S
Jennifer Henderson and Sandra Britton: Issues and trends: a review of Delta conference papers from 1997 to 2011, Shining through the fog - Proceedings of The 9th Delta Conference of teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, The 9th Delta Conference of teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, Deborah King, Birgit Loch, Leanne Rylands (eds.), Delta, International Delta Steering Committee, Melbourne, Australia, (2013), 50–58. ISBN 978-1-74108-289-0.

2. Britton S, Henderson J
Sandra Britton, Jenny Henderson: Teaching and Learning Proof-Writing in Linear Algebra, Proceedings of Volcanic Delta 2011, Volcanic Delta 2011: The Eighth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, John Hannah and Mike Thomas (eds.), University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, (2011), 22–32. ISBN 978-0-473-20019-0.

3. Britton S, Henderson J
Sandra Britton, Jenny Henderson: Linear algebra revisited: an attempt to understand students' conceptual difficulties, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40 (2009), no. 7, 963–974.

4. Britton S, Henderson J
Sandra Britton and Jenny Henderson: Student Expectation and Usage of On-Line Quizzes in First Year Undergraduate Mathematics Courses., Proceedings of the ICME 11 conference, 11th International Conference on Mathematical Education (ICME 11), Ansie Harding (ed.), Topic Study Group 5, ICME 11,, (2008), 1–9.

5. Henderson J, Britton S
Jenny Henderson and Sandra Britton: Is there such a thing as a perfect mathematics tutorial?, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 32 (2003), 107–115.

6. Henderson J
Jenny Henderson: Blending technology and pure mathematics, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, Second International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, Michael Boezi (ed.), John Wiley and Sons (published on CD), Hoboken, NJ, (2002), 1–8. ISBN 0-471-46332-9.

7. Britton S, Coleman CE, Henderson J
S C Britton, C E Coleman, J Henderson: The little blue book, Definitions, formulas and techniques from first year mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Sydney, (1999), 101. ISBN 1 86487 028 1.

8. Britton S, Henderson J
Sandra Britton and Jenny Henderson: The Little Blue Book, The Challenge of Diversity, 99' Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics, Walter Spundle, Patricia Cretchley, Ruth Hubbard (eds.), Proceedings of the 99' Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics, 99' Committee, Rockhampton, Queensland, (1999), 43–46. ISBN 0 646 38371 X.

9. Henderson J, Glasby SP
Henderson J, Glasby SP: Linear Algebra, School of Mathematics and Statistics, (1993), 150.

10. Gibson WG, Glasby SP, Henderson J
Gibson WG, Glasby SP, Henderson J: Algebra, School of Mathematics and Statistics, (1993), 200.

11. Henderson J
Henderson J: Two-level readers --- an investigation, Australian Journal of Reading, 2 (1979), 152–158.

Number of matches: 11