


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Hobert JP

1. Marchev D, Hobert JP
Dobrin Marchev, James P. Hobert: Exact sampling from the Student's t model, Advances and Applications in Statistics, 13 (2009), no. 2, 165–179.

2. Hobert JP, Marchev D
James P. Hobert, Dobrin Marchev: A theoretical comparison of the data augmentation, marginal augmentation and PX-DA algorithms, The Annals of Statistics, 36 (2008), no. 2, 532–554.

3. Hobert JP, Marchev D, Schweinsberg J
James P. Hobert, Dobrin Marchev, Jason Schweinsberg: Stability of the tail Markov chain and the evaluation of improper priors for an exponential rate parameter, Bernoulli, 10 (2004), no. 3, 549–564.

4. Marchev D, Hobert JP
Dobrin Marchev, James P. Hobert: Geometric ergodicity of van Dyk and Meng's algorithm for the multivariate Student's t model, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99 (2004), no. 465, 228–238.

Number of matches: 4