


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Hu BL

1. Koks D, Hu BL, Matacz A, Raval A
Don Koks, B.L.Hu, Andrew Matacz, Alpan Raval: Thermal particle creation in cosmological spacetimes: A stochastic approach, Physical Review. D, 56 (1997), 4905–4915.

2. Koks D, Matacz A, Hu BL
D. Koks, A. Matacz and B.L. Hu: Entropy and uncertainty of squeezed quantum open systems, Physical Review. D, 55 (1997), 5917–5935.

3. Hu BL, Matacz A
B.L. Hu and A. Matacz: Quantum Noise in Gravitation and Cosmology, Fluctuations and Order: The New Synthesis, Springer, New York, (1996), 429–454. ISBN 0-387-94602-0. 98c:83046

4. Koks D, Matacz A, Hu BL
Don Koks, Andrew Matacz and B.L. Hu: Entropy and Uncertainty of Squeezed Quantum Open Systems, (1996), preprint.

5. Matacz A, Hu BL
Matacz A, Hu BL: Back reaction in semiclassical cosmology: the Einstein-Langevin equation, Physical Review. D, 51 (1995), 1577–1586.

6. Hu BL, Kang G, Matacz A
B.L. Hu, G. Kang and A. Matacz: Squeezed Vacua and the Quantum Statistics of Particle Creation, International Journal of Modern Physics. A, 9 (1994), 991–1007. 94j:83044

7. Hu BL, Matacz A
B.L. Hu and A. Matacz: Quantum Brownian Motion in a Bath of Parametric Oscillators, Physical Review. D, 49 (1994), 6612–6635. 95h:82018

Number of matches: 7