


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Alhuntushi NMW, Jajo NK, Peiris MS, Khadra M, Mallows J
Nasser Mutlaq W Alhuntushi, Nethal K Jajo, Shelton Peiris, Mohamed Khadra, James Mallows: A New Look at Patient Waiting Time in an Australian Emergency Department using Simulation, International Journal of Statistics and Systems, 17 (2022), no. 1, 1–18.

2. Jajo NK, Peiris MS
Nethal K. Jajo and Shelton Peiris: A Study on Efficient Modelling in Higher Education Academic Workforce Using Simulation, EJ-MATH, European Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol2 (2021), no. 6, 7–14.

3. Peiris MS, Chan JSK, Jajo NK
Shelton Peiris, Jennifer Chan, Nethal Jajo: A Quick Reference Guide to Beginners of Statistics and Data Science Using RStudio, CV. Meugah Printindo, Indonesia, (2021), 276. ISBN 978-623-97079-0-3.

4. Leong XY, Jajo NK, Peiris MS
Xing Yee Leong, Nethal K. Jajo, Shelton Peiris: Discrete Simulation on Elective Surgery Wait Line Using Arena Simulation Software, International Journal of Modelling and Optimization, 10 (2020), no. 2, 47–51.

Number of matches: 4