


Publication Search Results

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1. Jenner AL, Kelly W, Dallaston M, Araujo R, Parfitt I, Steinitz D, Pooladvand P, Kim PS, Wade SJ, Vine KL
Adrianne L Jenner, Wayne Kelly, Michael Dallaston, Robyn Araujo, Isobelle Parfitt, Dominic Steinitz, Pantea Pooladvand, Peter S Kim, Samantha J Wade, Kara L Vine: Examining the efficacy of localised gemcitabine therapy for the treatment of pancreatic cancer using a hybrid agent-based model, PLOS Computational Biology, 19 (2023), no. 1, Article number e1010104.

2. Jenner AL, Frascoli F, Yun CO, Kim PS
Adrianne L Jenner, Federico Frascoli, Chae-Ok Yun and Peter S Kim: Optimising Hydrogel Release Profiles for Viro-Immunotherapy Using Oncolytic Adenovirus Expressing IL-12 and GM-CSF with Immature Dendritic Cells, Applied Sciences, 10 (2020), no. 8, Art 2872 (22 pages).

3. Lee T, Jenner AL, Kim PS, Lee J
Taeyong Lee, Adrianne L Jenner, Peter S Kim,and Jeehyun Lee: Application of control theory in a delayed-infection and immune-evading oncolytic virotherapy, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: MBE, 17 (2020), no. 3, 2361–2383.

4. Jenner AL, Frascoli F, Coster ACF, Kim PS
Adrianne L Jenner, Federico Frascoli, Adelle C F Coster, Peter S Kim: Enhancing oncolytic virotherapy: Observations from a Voronoi Cell-Based model, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 485 (2020), no. Article 110052, 32 pages.

5. Jenner AL, Kim PS, Frascoli F
Adrianne L Jenner, Peter S Kim, Federico Frascoli: Oncolytic virotherapy for tumours following a Gompertz growth law, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 480 (2019), no. November 2019, 129–140. MR3993430

6. Jenner AL, Yun CO, Kim PS, Coster ACF
Adrianne L. Jenner, Chae-Ok Yun, Peter S. Kim, Adelle C. F. Coster: Mathematical modelling of the interaction between cancer cells and an oncolytic virus: insights into the effects of treatment protocols, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80 (2018), 1615–1629.

7. Jenner AL, Coster ACF, Kim PS, Frascoli F
Adrianne L. Jenner, Adelle C. F. Coster, Peter S. Kim and Federico Frascoli: Treating cancerous cells with viruses: insights from a minimal model for oncolytic virotherapy, Letters in Biomathematics, 5 (2018), no. 51, S117–S136.

8. Jenner AL, Yun CO, Yoon A, Coster ACF, Kim PS
Adrianne Jenner, Chae-Ok Yun, Arum Yoon, Adelle C F Coster, Peter S Kim: Modelling combined virotherapy and immunotherapy: strengthening the antitumour immune response mediated by IL-12 and GM-CSF expression, Letters in Biomathematics, 5 (2018), no. Issue Sup1, S99 – S116.

9. Jenner AL, Yun CO, Yoon A, Kim PS, Coster ACF
Adrianne Jenner, Chae-Ok Yun, Arum Yoon, Peter S Kim, Adelle C F Coster: Modelling heterogeneity in viral-tumour dynamics: The effects of gene-attenuation on viral characteristics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 454 (2018), 41–52.

Number of matches: 9