


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Joshi N, Kajiwara K, Masuda T, Nakazono N
Nalini Joshi , Kenji Kajiwara , Tetsu Masuda and Nobutaka Nakazono: Discrete power functions on a hexagonal lattice I: derivation of defining equations from the symmetry of the Garnier system in two variables, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54 (Open Access) (2021), no. 33, 335202 (27 pages).

2. Joshi N, Kajiwara K, Masuda T, Nakazono N
Nalini Joshi , Kenji Kajiwara , Tetsu Masuda and Nobutaka Nakazono: Discrete power functions on a hexagonal lattice I: derivation of defining equations from the symmetry of the Garnier system in two variables, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54 (Open Access) (2021), no. 33, 335202 (27 pages).

3. Joshi N, Kajiwara K, Masuda T, Nakazono N, Shi Y
Nalini Joshi , Kenji Kajiwara , Tetsu Masuda , Nobutaka Nakazono and Yang Shi: Geometric description of a discrete power function associated with the sixth Painlevé equation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 22 November 2017 (2017), no. Online, 19 Pages.

4. Kajiwara K, Nakazono N
Kenji Kajiwara and Nobutaka Nakazono: Hypergeometric solutions to the symmetric \(q\)-Painlevé equations, International Mathematics Research Notices, 4 (2015), 1101–1140.

5. Joshi N, Kajiwara K, Mazzocco M
Nalini Joshi, Kenji Kajiwara and Marta Mazzocco: Generating function associated with the Hankel determinant formula for the solutions of the Painlevé IV equation, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 49 (2006), 451–468. MR2297948

6. Goto H, Kajiwara K
Hiromichi Goto and Kenji Kajiwara: Generating functions related to the Okamoto polynomials for the Painlevé IV equation, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 71 (2005), 517–526. MR2150941

7. Kajiwara K, Mukaihira A
K Kajiwara, A Mukaihira: Soliton solutions for the non-autonomous discrete-time Toda lattice equation, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), no. 28, 6363–6370. MR2166628

8. Kajiwara K, Masuda T, Noumi M, Ohta Y, Yamada Y
K Kajiwara, T Masuda, M Noumi, Y Ohta, Y Yamada: Construction of hypergeometric solutions to the \(q\)-Painlevé equations, International Mathematics Research Notices, 24 (2005), online.

9. Joshi N, Kajiwara K, Mazzocco M
Nalini Joshi, Kenji Kajiwara & Marta Mazzocco: Generating function associated with the determinant formula for the solutions of the Painlevé II equation, Astérisque, 297 (2004), 67–78. MR2135675

Number of matches: 9