


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Kearton C

1. Hillman JA, Kearton C
J.A. Hillman and C. Kearton: Simple 4-knots, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 7 (1998), 907–923. 99k:57053

2. Hillman JA, Kearton C
J.A. Hillman and C. Kearton: Algebraic invariants of simple 4-knots, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 6 (1997), 307–318. 99b:57047

3. Hillman JA, Kearton C
Hillman JA, Kearton C: Stable isometry structures and the factorization of \(\mathbb{Q}\)-acyclic stable knots, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 39 (1989), 175–182. 90h:57026

4. Hillman JA, Kearton C
Hillman JA, Kearton C: Seifert matrices and 6-knots, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 309 (1988), 843–857. 89j:57015

5. Hillman JA, Bayer E, Kearton C
Hillman JA, Bayer E, Kearton C: The factorization of simple knots, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 90 (1981), 495–506. 83e:57005

Number of matches: 5