


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Koike S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: The Lipschitz type of the geometric directional bundle, European Journal of Mathematics, 10 (2024), no. 30, 17 pages.

2. Koike S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: Stabilisation of geometric directional bundle for a subanalytic set, Topology and its applications, 313 (2022), no. May 2022, Article 107988 (15 pages).

3. Koike S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: On finiteness theorems of polynomial functions, European Journal of Mathematics, In Press (2022), 1–21.

4. Fukui T, Koike S, Paunescu L
T. Fukui, S. Koike and L. Paunescu: The seventh Japanese-Australian workshop in real and complex singularities, T. Fukui, S. Koike and L. Paunescu (eds.), Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Revue Romaine Math. Pures Appl. 64, (2019), 393--586.

5. Koike S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: Global Directional Properties of Singular Spaces, Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 64 (2019), no. 4, 479–504. MR4049698

6. Koike S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: Applications of the sequence selection property to bi-Lipschitz geometry, European Journal of Mathematics, 5 (2019), no. 4, 1202–1211. MR4015453

7. Koike S, Papadima S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike, Stefan Papadima and Laurentiu Paunescu: Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, The Fifth Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities (JARCS SYDNEY 2013), Satoshi Koike, Stefan Papadima and Laurentiu Paunescu (eds.), Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, (2015), 405–581. ISBN 0035-3965.

8. Koike S, Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike, Tzee-Char Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: A'Campo curvature bumps and the Dirac phenomenon near a singular point, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 111 (2015), no. 3, 717–748.

9. Koike S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: On the geometry of sets satisfying the sequence selection property, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 67 (2015), no. 2, 721–751.

10. Koike S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: (SSP) Geometry with directional homeomorphisms, Journal of Singularities, 13 (2015), 169–178.

11. Koike S (ed.), Fukui T (ed.), Paunescu L (ed.), Harris A (ed.), Isaev A (ed.)
Satoshi Koike, Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu, Adam Harris, Alexander Isaev: Proceedings of the 4th Japanese-Australian Workshop (JARCS4), Proceedings of the 4th Japanese-Australian Workshop (JARCS4), 4th Japanese-Australian Workshop (JARCS4), Satoshi Koike, Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu, Adam Harris, Alexander Isaev (eds.), JARCS, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, (2014), 203. ISBN 9789814596039.

12. Koike S, Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike, Tzee-Char Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: Non concentration of curvature near singular points of two variable analytic functions, Topics on Real and Complex Singularities, Proceedings of the 4th Japanese-Australian Workshop (JARCS4), The Fourth Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, Satoshi Koike, Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu, Adam Harris, Alexander Isaev (eds.), JARCS, World Scientific, Singapore, (2014), 115–140. ISBN 978-981-4596-03-9.

13. Koike S, Loi TL, Paunescu L, Shiota M
Satoshi Koike, Ta Lê Loi, Laurentiu Paunescu, Masahiro Shiota: Directional properties of sets definable in \(o\)-minimal structures, Annales de L'Institut Fourier, 63 (2013), no. 5, 2017–2047.

14. Koike S, Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike, Tzee-Char Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: A study of curvature using infinitesimals, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Science, 88A (2012), 70–74. MR2925285

15. Koike S, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: The directional dimension of subanalytic sets is invariant under bi-Lipschitz homeomorphisms, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 59 (2009), no. 6, 2445–2467. MR2640926

16. Izumi S, Koike S, Kuo TC
Shuzo Izumi, Satoshi Koike and Tzee-Char Kuo: Computations and stability of the Fukui invariant, Compositio Mathematica, 130 (2002), 49–73. 2003a:32050

Number of matches: 16