


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Kopell N

1. Mitry J, McCarthy M, Kopell N, Wechselberger M
J. Mitry, M. McCarthy, N. Kopell, M. Wechselberger: Excitable neurons, firing threshold manifolds and canards, Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 3 (2013), no. 12, 1–32.

2. Rotstein HG, Wechselberger M, Kopell N
Horacio G. Rotstein, Martin Wechselberger, Nancy Kopell: Canard Induced Mixed-Mode Oscillations in a Medial Entorhinal Cortex Layer II Stellate Cell Model, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 7 (2008), no. 4, 1582–1611. MR2470978

Number of matches: 2