


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Ke WF, Lai KF, Zhang RB
W F Ke, K F Lai and R B Zhang: Quantum codes from Hadamard matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 58 (2010), no. 7, 847–854.

2. Kueh KL, Lai KF, Tan KS
Ka-Lam Kueh, King Fai Lai, Ki-Seng Tan: Stickelberger elements for \(\mathbb{Z}_p^d\) extensions of function fields, Journal of Number Theory, 128 (2008), 2776–2783. MR2441076

3. Lai KF, Vostokov SV
K F Lai and S V Vostokov: The Kneser relation and the Hilbert pairing in multidimensional local field, Mathematische Nachrichten, 280 (2007), no. 16, 1–18.

4. Lai KF, Chen ZJ, Zhao CL
K. F. Lai, Z. J. Chen, C. L. Zhao: Algebraic Groups, Foundation of Modern Mathematics, Science Press, Beijing, China, (2006), 453. ISBN 7-03-017861-0.

5. Chi WC, Lai KF, Tan KS
W.C. Chi, K.F. Lai and K.S. Tan: Integer points on elliptic curves, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 222 (2005), no. 2, 237–252. MR2225071

6. Kisin M, Lai KF
Mark Kisin and King Fai Lai: Overconvergent Hilbert modular forms, American Journal of Mathematics, 127 (2005), no. 4, 735–783. MR2154369

7. Lai KF, Zhao CL
KF Lai, CL Zhao: Overconvergent \(p\)-adic Siegel modular forms, Algebra and Number Theory, Algebra and Number Theory Silver Jubilee Conference, R. Tandon (ed.), Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, (2005), 250–257. ISBN 81-85931-57-7. MR2193357

8. Chi WC, Lai KF, Tan KS
W C Chi, K F Lai, K S Tan: Integral points on elliptic curves over function fields, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 77 (2004), 197–208. MR2083745

9. Lai KF
K. F . Lai: \(C_2\) building and projective space, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 76 (2004), 383–402. MR2053511

10. Lai KF, Zhang RB
K F Lai and R B Zhang: Multiplicity free actions of quantum groups and generalized Howe duality, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 64 (2003), 255–272. MR2009264

11. Lai KF, Zhao CL
K. F. Lai , C.L. Zhao: Modular Curves, Peking University Graduate Text, Peking University Press, Beijing China, (2002), 243. ISBN 7-301-05483-1.

12. Lai KF, Mok KP
King Fai Lai and Kam Ping Mok: On the differential geometry of the (1, 1) tensor bundle, Tensor. (new series), 63 (2002), 15–27. MR2009423

13. Lai KF, Yeung KM
King Fai Lai, Kit Ming Yeung: Rational Points in Flag Varieties, Journal of Number Theory, 95 (2002), 142–149. 2003i:11089

14. Lai KF, Vostokov SV
K.F. Lai and S.V. Vostokov: Explicit pairing and class field theory of multidimensional complete fields, St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 11 (2000), no. 4, 611–624. MR1713933

15. Gérardin P, Lai KF
P Gérardin, K F Lai: Asymptotic behaviour of eigenfunctions on semi-homogeneous tree, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 196 (2000), no. 2, 415–427. 2001m:31020

16. Gérardin P, Lai KF
Paul Gérardin and K F Lai: Asymptotic behavior of eigenfunctions for the Hecke algebra on homogeneous trees, Special Functions: Proceedings of the international workshop, International Workshop on Special Functions- Asymptotics, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Charles Dunkl, Mourad Ismail, Roderick Wong (eds.), Special functions, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, (2000), 114–117. ISBN 981-02-4393-6. 2001m:31020

17. Lai KF, Voskuil H
K.F. Lai, H. Voskuil: \(p\)-adic automorphic functions for the unitary group in three variables, Algebra Colloquium, 7:3 (2000), 335–360. 2002c:11059

18. Lai KF, Bondarko M, Vostokov SV
K.F. Lai, M. Bondarko and S.V. Vostokov: Galois structure for abelian \(p\)-extensions of Dedekind domains, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 517 (1999), 51–59. 2000j:11180

19. Lai KF, Chan WK, Simpson K
K. F. Lai, W. K. Chan, K. Simpson: Analysis of software regression test, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual IASTED International Conference, Software Engineering and Applications, N.C. Debnath (ed.), IASTED/ACTA PRESS, Zurich, (1999), 295–301. ISBN 0-88986-273-7.

20. Lai KF, Chan WK, Castillo R
K.F. Lai, W.K. Chan, R. Castillo: Foliations in supergravity, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series B), 41 (1999), 161–166. 2000i:83073

21. Gérardin P, Lai KF
P. Gérardin, K.F. Lai: Opérateurs invariants sur les immeubles affines de type \(A\), Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 329 (1999), 1–4. 2000i:20048

22. Eie M, Lai KF
Minking Eie and King F Lai: On Bernoulli identities and applications, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 14 (1998), no. 1, 167–213. 99h:11017

23. Lai KF, Lee R
Lai KF, Lee R: Finite group actions on Siegel modular spaces, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 345 (1994), 37–45.

24. Chan WK, Lai KF, Castillo R
Chan WK, Lai KF, Castillo R: Riemannian foliation in \(N=1\), \(D=11\) supergravity, Il Nuovo Cimento, 108 B (1993), no. 7, 739–752. 95g:83101

25. Jacquet H, Lai KF, Rallis S
Jacquet H, Lai KF, Rallis S: A trace formula for symmetric spaces, Duke Mathematical Journal, 70 (1993), no. 2, 305–372. 94d:11033

26. Lai KF
Lai KF: On Arthur's invariant trace formula, Proceedings of the Special Programme, Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Number Theory, Nankai Institute of Mathematics, (1992), 35–63. 96g:11053

27. Lai KF
Lai KF: Regular elliptic classes, Bulletin of the Canadian Mathematical Society, 35 (1992), no. 2, 230–236. 93i:11061

28. Lai KF
Lai KF: On Arthur's class expansion of the relative trace formula, Duke Mathematical Journal, 64 (1991), 111–117. 92k:22031

29. Lai KF
Lai KF: Lefschetz numbers and unitary groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 43 (1991), 193–209. 92a:11063

30. Lai KF
Lai KF: Orbital integrals on symmetric spaces, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 312 (1991), 913–917. 93b:22015

31. Lai KF, Fen S
Lai KF, Fen S: Topological Groups, Science Press, Academica Sinica, Beijing, (1991),

32. Lai KF, Lan YZ
Lai KF, Lan YZ: Representation Theory of \(\mathrm{GL}(2)\) and theory of automorphic forms, Peking University Press, (1990),

33. Lai KF, Mok N
Lai KF, Mok N: On a vanishing theorem on irreducible quotients of finite volume of polydiscs, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1198 Springer Verlag, (1986), 163–171. 88h:32031

34. Lai KF
Lai KF: Algebraic cycles on compact Shimura surface, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 189 (1985), 593–602. 87a:11057

35. Jaquet H, Lai KF
Jaquet H, Lai KF: On a relative trace formula, Compositio Mathematica, 54 (1985), 243–310. 86j:11059

36. Lai KF
Lai KF: Functional equation of Dirichlet series, Advances in Math (Peking), 14 (1985), 263–266.

37. Chan WL, Lai KF
Chan WL, Lai KF: Dual optimal distributed systems with non-negative controls, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 104 (1984), 143–154. 86m:49035

38. Jacquet H, Lai KF
Jacquet H, Lai KF: Sur une formule des traces relatives, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 296 (1983), 959–963. 86k:11029

39. Lai KF
Lai KF: On the cohomology of congruence subgroups of symplectic groups, Nagoya Mathematics Journal, 85 (1982), 155–174. 83g:10024

40. Lai KF
Lai KF: Orders of finite algebraic groups, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 97 (1981), 83g:20048

41. Lai KF
Lai KF: Hilbert's Twelfth Problem --- the Reciprocity Law and Langlands' Conjecture, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 65 (1981), 104–114.

42. Lai KF
Lai KF: Arithmetic of Tori, Chinese University, (1981), 115pp.

43. Lai KF
Lai KF: Tamagawa number of reductive algebraic groups, Compositio Mathematica, 41 (1980), 153–188. 82d:20043

44. Lai KF
Lai KF: Notes on Homological Algebra, Shanghai Normal College, (1980), 70pp.

45. Lai KF
Lai KF: Algebraic Groups, Lecture Notes, East China Normal University, (1980), 85pp.

46. Lai KF
Lai KF: Compactification of homogeneous space, Acta Hangzhou Normal College, (1980), 32–35.

47. Lai KF
Lai KF: Linear algebraic groups, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 60 (1980), 94–110.

48. Lai KF
Lai KF: On a conjecture on elliptic curve, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 1 (1980), 13–27.

49. Lai KF
Lai KF: Conjugation of Canonical Models, Proceedings of the SEAMS Conference, (1980), 24–25.

50. Lai KF
Lai KF: Introduction to algebraic varieties, Univ. Amoiensis Acta Sien. Naturalium, 18 (1979), no. 4, 27–28.

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