


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Leung DYP

1. Chan JSK, Leung DYP
Chan, J.S.K. and Leung, D.Y.P.: Binary geometric process model for the modeling of longitudinal binary data with trend, Computational Statistics, 25 (2010), 505–536.

2. Chan JSK, Leung DYP, Choy STB, Wan WY
Jennifer S K Chan, Doris Y P Leung, S T Boris Choy and Wai Y Wan: Nonignorable dropout models for longitudinal binary data with random effects: An application of Monte Carlo approximation through the Gibbs ouptut, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53 (2009), 4530–4545.

3. Chan JSK, Lam Y, Leung DYP
Jennifer SK Chan, Yeh Lam, and Doris YP Leung,: Statistical inference for geometric processes with gamma distributions, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 47 (2004), no. 3, 565–581. MR2086485

Number of matches: 3