


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Makov UE

1. Chan JSK, Choy STB, Makov UE, Landsman Z
J S K Chan, S T B Choy, U E Makov and Z Landsman: Modelling Insurance Losses Using Contaminated Generalised Beta Type-Ii Distribution, ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA, 48 (2018), no. 2, 871–904.

2. Choy STB, Chan JSK, Makov UE
S T Boris Choy, Jennifer S K Chan & Udi E Makov: Robust Bayesian analysis of loss reserving data using scale mixtures distributions, Journal of Applied Statistics, 43 (2016), no. 3, 396–411. MR3441544

3. Chan JSK, ChoySTB, Makov UE
Chan, J.S.K., Choy, S.T.B. and Makov, U.E.: Robust Bayesian Analysis for Loss Reserves Data using the Generalized-T distribution, ASTIN Bulletin, 38 (2008), 207–230.

Number of matches: 3