


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Phillip A

1. Phillip A, Chan JSK, Peiris MS
Andrew Phillip, Jennifer Chan, Shelton Peiris: On generalized bivariate student-t Gegenbauer long memory stochastic volatility models with leverage: Bayesian forecasting of cryptocurrencies with a focus on Bitcoin, Econometrics and Statistics, 16 (2020), 69–90.

2. Phillip A, Chan JSK, Peiris MS
Andrew Phillip, Jennifer Chan, Shelton Peiris: On long memory effects in the volatility measure of cryptocurrencies, Finance Research Letters, 28 (2019), 95–100.

3. Phillip A, Chan JSK, Peiris MS
Andrew Phillip, Chan Jennifer S.K., Peiris Shelton: Bayesian estimation of Gegenbauer long memory processes with stochastic volatility: methods and applications, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 22 (2018), no. 3, 1–29.

4. Phillip A, Chan JSK, Peiris MS
Andrew Phillip, Jennifer S.K.Chan, Shelton Peiris: A new look at Cryptocurrencies, Economics Letters, 163 (2018), 6–9.

Number of matches: 4