


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Vera-Ruiz VA, Robinson J, Jermin LS
Victor A Vera-Ruiz, John Robinson, and Lars S Jermin: A likelihood-ratio test for lumpability of phylogenetic data: is the Markovian property of an evolutionary process retained in recoded DNA?, Systematic Biology, 71 (2022), no. 3, 660–675.

2. Robinson J, Welsh AH
John Robinson and Alan H. Welsh: Peter Gavin Hall, Biographical Memoirs of the Royal Society, 64 (2018), no. 64, 2017–229.

3. Samonenko I, Robinson J
Inga Samonenko and John Robinson: A new permutation test statistic for K-sample multivariate designs, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 60 (2018), no. 1, 132–139.

4. Robinson J, Welsh AH
John Robinson and Alan H. Welsh: Peter Gavin Hall 1951-2016, Historical Records of Australian Science, 28 (2017), 171–182.

5. Samonenko I, Robinson J
Inga Samonenko and John Robinson: A likelihood ratio like permutation test for one way designs, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 29 (2017), no. 3, 515–530.

6. Robinson J
John Robinson: On Multivariate Edgeworth Expansions, Inference, Asymptotics, and Applications Selected Papers of Ib Michael Skovgaard, with Introductions by his Colleagues, Nancy Reid and Torben Martinussen (eds.), World Scientific, London, (2017), 37–58. ISBN ISBN: 978-981-3207-87-5.

7. Kolassa JE, Robinson J
John E. Kolassa and John Robinson: Nonparametric tests for multi-parameter M-estimators, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 158 (2017), no. 158, 103–116. MR3651376

8. Jermiin LS, Jayaswal V, Ababneh F, Robinson J
Lars S. Jermiin, Vivek Jayaswal, Faisal M. Ababneh, and John Robinson: Identifying Optimal Models of Evolution, Bioinformatics: Volume I: Data, Sequence Analysis, and Evolution, Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, New York, (2017), 379–420. ISBN 978-1-4939-6620-2.

9. Samonenko I, Robinson J
Inga Samonenko and John Robinson: A New Permutation Test Statistic for Complete Block Designs, The Annals of Statistics, 43 (2015), no. 1, 90–101. MR3285601

10. Burke W, Robinson J
William Burke and John Robinson: The Occurrence of Migraine Auras and Possible Triggers, Health, 6 (2014), 2688–2696.

11. Jayaswal V, Wong TKF, Robinson J, Poladian L, Jermiin LS
Vivek Jayaswal, Thomas K F Wong, John Robinson, Leon Poladian and Lars Jermiin: Mixture Models of Nucleotide Sequence Evolution that Account for Heterogeneity in the Substitution Process Across Sites and Across Lineages, Systematic Biology, 63 (2014), no. 5, 726–742.

12. Vera-Ruiz VA, Lau KW, Robinson J, Jermiin LS
Victor A Vera-Ruiz, Kwok W Lau, John Robinson, Lars S Jermiin: Statistical tests to identify appropriate types of nucleotide sequence recoding in molecular phylogenetics, Proceedings, The Twelfth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2014), Shuigeng Zhou and Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen (eds.), BMC Bioinformatics, Shanghai, China, (2014), 11. ISBN 1471-2105.

13. Field C, Robinson J
Chris Field, John Robinson: Relative Errors for Bootstrap Approximations of the Serial Correlation Coefficient, The Annals of Statistics, 41 (2013), no. 2, 1035–1053.

14. Hu Z, Robinson J, Wang Q
Zhishui Hu, John Robinson and Qiying Wang: Tail approximations for samples from a finite population with applications to permutation tests, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 16 (2012), 425–435. MR2972501

15. Kolassa JE, Robinson J
John Kolassa and John Robinson: Saddlepoint approximations for likelihood ratio like statistics with applications to permutation tests, Annals of Statistics, 39 (2011), no. 6, 3357–3368.

16. Jayaswal V, Ababneh F, Jermiin LS, Robinson J
Vivek Jayaswal, Faisal Ababneh, Lars S Jermiin, John Robinson: Reducing model complexity of the general markov model of evolution, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28 (2011), no. 11, 3045–3059.

17. Jayaswal V, Jermiin LS, Poladian L, Robinson J
Vivek Jayaswal, Lars S Jermiin, Leon Poladian and John Robinson: Two Stationary Nonhomogeneous Markov Models of Nucleotide Sequence Evolution, Systematic Biology, 60 (2011), no. 1, 74–86.

18. Ma C, Robinson J
Chunsheng Ma and John Robinson: Lot acceptance and compliance testing based on the sample mean and minimum/maximum, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141 (2011), 2440–2448.

19. Huang A, Jin R, Robinson J
Alan Huang, Rungao Jin and John Robinson: Robust permutation tests for two samples, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139 (2009), 2631–2642. MR2523654

20. Jermiin LS, Jayaswal V, Ababneh F, Robinson J
Jermiin LS, Jayaswal V, Ababneh F and Robinson J: Phylogenetic model evaluation, Bioinformatics: Data, Sequence Analysis and Evolution, Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, (2008), 331–364. ISBN 978-1-58829-707-5.

21. Perera DI, Peiris MS, Robinson J, Weber NC
DI Perera, MS Peiris, J Robinson, NC Weber: The empirical saddlepoint method applied to testing for serial correlation in panel time series data, Statistics and Probability Letters, 78 (2008), 2876–2882.

22. Borovskikh YV, Robinson J
Yuri V. Borovskikh and John Robinson: Large deviations of bootstrapped \(U\)-statistics, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99 (2008), 1793–1806. MR2444819

23. Petrov VV, Robinson J
Valentin V Petrov and John Robinson: Large Deviations for Sums of Independent Non Identically Distributed Random Variables, Communications in Statistics---Theory and Methods, 37 (2008), 2984–2990. MR2467746

24. Hu Z, Ma C, Robinson J
Zhishui Hu, Chunsheng Ma, John Robinson: Empirical saddlepoint approximations of the Studentized mean under stratified random sampling, Statistics and Probability Letters, 78 (2008), 396–401. MR2420161

25. Field C, Robinson J, Ronchetti E
Chris Field, John Robinson, Elvezio Ronchetti: Saddlepoint approximations for multivariate \(M\)-estimates with applications to bootstrap accuracy, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60 (2008), 205–224. MR2400067

26. Petrov VV, Robinson J
Valentin V. Petrov, John Robinson: On large deviations for sums of independent random variables, (2007), preprint.

27. Hu Z, Robinson J, Wang Q
Zhishui Hu, John Robinson and Qiying Wang: Edgeworth expansions for a sample sum from a finite set of independent random variables, The Electronic Journal of Probability, 12 (2007), 1402–1417. MR2354163

28. Hu Z, Robinson J, Wang Q
Zhishui Hu, John Robinson and Qiying Wang: Cramer_Type Large Deviations for Samples from a Finite Population, The Annals of Statistics, 35 (2007), no. 2, 673–696. MR2336863

29. Jayaswal V, Robinson J, Jermiin LS
Vivek Jayaswal, John Robinson and Lars Jermiin: Estimation of Phylogeny and Invariant Sites under the General Markov Model of Nucleotide Sequence Evolution, Systematic Biology, 56 (2007), no. 2, 155–162.

30. Hu Z, Petrov VV, Robinson J
Zhishui Hu, Valentin V Petrov and John Robinson: On large deviations of sums of independent random variables, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 36 (2007), no. 10, 1981–1992. MR2396550

31. Kolassa JE, Robinson J
John E Kolassa, John Robinson: Conditional saddlepoint approximations for non-continuous and non-lattice distributions, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (2007), no. 1, 133–147. MR2292846

32. Hu Z, Petrov VV, Robinson J
Zhishui Hu, Valentin V. Petrov, John Robinson: On large deviations of sums of independent random variables, (2006), preprint.

33. Hu Z, Robinson J, Wang Q
Zhishui Hu, John Robinson and Qiying Wang: Cramer-type large deviations for samples from a finite population, (2006), preprint.

34. Fung T, Robinson J
Thomas Fung, John Robinson: Continuity corrections for integer-valued saddlepoint approximations, Statistics and Probability Letters, 76 (2006), 1465–1469. MR2245566

35. Ababneh F, Jermiin LS, Ma C, Robinson J
Faisal Ababneh, Lars S Jermiin, Chunsheng Ma and John Robinson: Matched-pairs tests of homogeneity with applications to homologous nucleotide sequences, Bioinformatics, 22 (2006), no. 10, 1225–1231.

36. Perera DI, Peiris MS, Robinson J, Weber NC
D I Perera, M S Peiris, J Robinson and N C Weber: Saddlepoint approximation methods for testing of serial correlation in panel time series data, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 76 (2006), no. 11, 1001–1015. MR2255899

37. Ababneh F, Jermiin LS, Robinson J
Faisal Ababneh, Lars S Jermiin and John Robinson: Generation of the exact distribution and simulation of matched nucleotide sequences on a phylogenetic tree, Journal of mathematical modelling and algorithms, 5 (2006), 291–308. MR2231570

38. Robinson J, Wang Q
John Robinson and Qiying Wang: On the self-normalized Cramer-type large deviation, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 18 (2005), no. 4, 891–909. MR2300002

39. Jayaswal V, Jermiin LS, Robinson J
Vivek Jayaswal, Lars Jermiin and John Robinson: Estimation of phylogeny using a general Markov model, Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online, 1 (2005), 62–80.

40. Welsh AH, Robinson J
Alan H Welsh, John Robinson: Fisher and Inference for Scores, International Statistical Review, 73 (2005), no. 1, 131–150.

41. Agho K, Dai W, Robinson J
K Agho, W Dai, John Robinson: Empirical saddlepoint approximations of the Studentized ratio and regression estimates for finite populations, Statistics and Probability Letters, 71 (2005), no. 3, 237–247. MR2126408

42. Stewart M, Robinson J
Michael Stewart, John Robinson: Extremes of normed empirical moment generating function processes, Extremes, 6 (2005), 319–333.

43. Jermiin LS, Ho SYW, Ababneh F, Robinson J, Larkum AWD
Lars S Jermiin, Simon Y W Ho, Faisal Ababneh, John Robinson, Anthony W D Larkum: The Biasing effect of Compositional Heterogeneity on Phylogenetic Estimates May be Underestimated, Systematic Biology, 53 (2004), 6.

44. Robinson J
John Robinson: Multivariate tests based on empirical saddlepoint approximations, Metron, 62 (2004), 1–14. MR2089164

45. Jermiin LS, Ho SYW, Ababneh F, Robinson J, Larkum AWD
Lars S Jermiin, Simon YW Ho, Faisal Ababneh, John Robinson and Anthony WD Larkum: Hetero: a program to simulate the evolution of DNA on a four-taxon tree, Applied Bioinformatics, 2 (2003), 159–163.

46. Robinson J, Ronchetti E, Young GA
J Robinson, E Ronchetti and G A Young: Saddlepoint approximations and tests based on multivariate M-estimates, The Annals of Statistics, 31 (2003), 1154–1169. MR2001646

47. Anderson MJ, Robinson J
Marti J Anderson and John Robinson: Generalized discriminant analysis based on distances, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 45 (2003), 301–318. 2004f:62133

48. Jin R, Robinson J
Rungao Jin and John Robinson: Robust permutation tests for one sample, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 116 (2003), 475–487. MR2000095

49. Jin R, Robinson J
Rungao Jin and John Robinson: Saddlepoint approximations of the two sample Wilcoxon statistic, Crossing Boundaries: Statistical Essays in Honor of Jack Hall, The Symposium in Honor of the 70th Birthday of W. Jackson Hall, John E Kolassa and David Oakes (eds.), Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Lecture Notes Monograph Series, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Beachwood, Ohio USA, (2003), 139–148. ISBN 0-940600-58-7.

50. Jing BY, Kolassa JE, Robinson J
Bing-Yi Jing, John E Kolassa, John Robinson: Partial saddlepoint approximations for transformed means, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Theory and Applications, 29 (2002), no. 4, 721–731. 2004d:62153

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